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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- And here's what he finds he looks at their English scores: the "fast spurters" improved significantly more than any of the other students.
- 他发现,他查看他们的英语成绩"快速迸发"学生有明显进步比任何学生的进步都快
- He looked at their maths scores, because English is not really objective
- 他查看他们的数学成绩因为英语不够客观
- and you know maybe it was the teachers who thought they were better than they were really.
- 也许是老师们觉得某些学生英语更好
- So he looked at their maths, their objective scores.
- 于是他查看他们的数学,客观的成绩
- These students improved significantly more than any of the other students.
- 这些学生也有明显进步比其他任何学生的进步都大
- But here is the clincher: Robert Rosenthal administered once again an IQ test for all the students.
- 接下来才是有决定性的结果 Robert Rosenthal又对所有学生进行了一次智商测试
- And what he found was the students who were labeled randomly so, but who were labeled
- 他发现被标签为被随机地标签为"快速迸发"的学生
- "fast spurters", their IQ increased significantly over the year and maintained that increase in a longitudinal study.
- 智商在一年间有很大增加 而且在长期研究中保持着增加
- Now this is my bog I mean: IQ is supposed to be in your intelligent quotient that you are born with! It's immutable.
- 这让人不解智商本来是生而有之的 它是恒定的
- It doesn't change from the day you were born to the day you die or so they thought.
- 从出生到死亡时都不会改变或者说他们这样认为
- It changed significantly just based the belief that the teacher had in her/his students.
- 但它却因为老师对学生的信念而改变
- Belief as self-fulfilling prophecies.
- 信念即自我实现预言
- What happened in the study?
- 这项研究说明了什么?
- Was it that the teachers were fooled?
- 老师们被骗了吗?
- And suddenly were made to see an illusion? No.
- 突然产生幻象? 不是的
- It was that they were alluded before.
- 是因为他们之前被欺骗
- and the illusion was that they didn't see what is right in front of their very eyes,
- 幻象是他们看不到就在他们眼前的东西

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201707/514840.shtml