So these are the five basic premises that we talked about.
They formed the foundation of the course.
And what we are going to do over the next couple of month is expand on these most importantly, see how we can take the research, the rigor and apply it to our lives.
So let me move on now to the next lecture, which is "Belief as Self-Fulfilling Prophecies".
This I must say, this topic ignited my imagination when I was a kid when I thought about it; when I was an athlete.
And that's when I understood the power of the mind.
And that would pick my interests in psychology.
I want to start with a story, a specific story, that in many ways I can say it is the first story, psychological story that I heard of.
The story that I heard that brought home to me the message how important psychology is to wellbeing and to success.
And success, as a fourteen years-old squash player, was the most important thing in my life.
And the story is of Roger Bannister.
故事讲的是Roger Bannister
Just so I get a show of hands: how many people have heard of Roger Bannister? Ok. A handful.