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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- All right, this could also take a while.
- 可能需要一会
- But most people from what I see, put it on their chin.
- 我看到的多数同学都放在了下巴上
- Now I said it very clearly, "cheek".
- 我很清楚地说是"面颊"
- But you see, here is the thing: People mostly do what you do, rather than what you say.
- 问题就在这里多数人都是照你做的做而不是照你说的做
- So remember that, because I don't think there is anyone in this room who would tell me now,
- 请记住这一点我不认为课堂上有任何人会告诉我
- "my goal in life, my objective is to make people miserable.
- "我的人生目标是让别人不幸
- I really want to do that.
- 我真得想那么做
- You know I want everyone to be miserable in the world."
- 我想要世上所有人都不幸"
- There is not one person here who would actually say that, I hope.
- 这里不会有人真得说出那种话,希望如此
- So most of us here, whatever we do in our lives, now and in the future, are idealists.
- 我们在座的多数人,不论做什么从现在到未来,都是理想主义者
- We want to do good in the world; we want to spread happiness.
- 我们想为世人造福,想传播快乐
- But remember, people do what you do, not what you say.
- 但记住,人们照你做的做不是照你说得做
- So you may want to spread happiness, through your word.
- 你也许想传播快乐,通过你的言话
- But ultimately, the best way, the optimal way spreading happiness is to work on your own happiness, because then you are leading by example.
- 但最好的方法传播快乐的最佳方法是努力争取自己的快乐因为那时你就成为榜样
- That applies to leadership.
- 这也适用于领导
- The most important thing about leadership is not what you say; it's what you do.
- 领导最重要的不是说的话而是如何以身作则
- The most important thing about parenting it's not how much you tell your child "honesty is important" but rather how honest you are.
- 为人父母最重要的不是告诉子女"诚实很重要"而是你自身有多诚实
- If you want to spread happiness, "Be the change you want to see in the world." By example.
- 如果你想传播快乐"成为你想在世上见到的改变" 以身作则

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201706/510972.shtml