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趣味建议React 第76期:应该在黑色星期五那天去购物吗

来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Bubbly_ginger wants to know:
  • Bubbly_ginger想知道:
  • "Should I go shopping on Black Friday? It seems hectic but the deals are amazing!"
  • “我应该在黑色星期五那天去购物吗?虽然看上去闹哄哄的,可是折扣真的太吸引人了!”
  • It's supposed to be the biggest shopping day of the year.
  • 那是年度最大的购物日。
  • Why would you want to go on the biggest shopping day of the year?
  • 你为什么想在年度最大的购物日去购物?
  • Do you want to get trampled? Do you wanna lose an arm?
  • 你想被踩吗?你想失去一只胳膊吗?
  • You probably shouldn't go because there's gonna be thousands of people bumping into you, pushing into you,
  • 你不应该去购物,因为会有数千人撞到你,或是推你,
  • and it's really not worth that 10% off.
  • 为了那只有10%的折扣并不值得。
  • People have died from Black Friday shopping.
  • 人们会死于黑色星期五购物的。
  • Like, your TV that you want, that's on sale, is not that important. Like, chill.
  • 你想买的那台电视正在打折,那并没有那么重要。你要冷静下来。
  • Do Black Friday shopping online.
  • 黑色星期五那天可以在网上购物。
  • There's a lot of Black Friday deals online too, and you get to skip all the stupid lines.
  • 现在黑色星期五那天网上也有很多折扣,这样你就不用傻傻地去排队了。
  • I would avoid it, but if you're willing to stand in line forever, you probably could get a good deal.
  • 我会避免那天去购物,不过如果你愿意一直排队,那你可能会享受到不错的折扣。
  • Yes, you should go shopping because everything is cheap.
  • 是的,你应该去购物,因为所有商品都很便宜。
  • If you wanna go shopping, go shopping. Don't feel bad about it.
  • 如果你想去购物,那就去吧。不要为此不快。
  • Yes and no. It depends upon the deals.
  • 应该也不应该。这要取决于折扣力度。
  • If it's something you want, go ahead and do it. Just know it's gonna be early.
  • 如果有你想买的东西,那就去购物吧。不过要早点去。
  • If you're a pretty patient person, then yeah, sure, go on.
  • 如果你是一个非常有耐心的人,那当然应该去购物了。
  • But if you have a very low patience level, maybe you shouldn't.
  • 但是如果你的耐心水平很低,那也许你不应该去购物。
  • Get a group of friends, get up early and go somewhere and have breakfast first, then get in line
  • 叫上一群朋友,早点起床,先找个地方去吃早餐,然后再去排队,
  • and just pretend it's a party because the deals are amazing.
  • 假装那是个派对,因为折扣真的太不可思议了。
  • I don't go for the deals. I go for the hecticness.
  • 我不会为了折扣去购物。但是我会为了那种喧闹去。
  • I love how there's so many people there, and it's all crazy. It's a free comedy show.
  • 那天会有非常多的人,而且大家都很疯狂,我很喜欢那种情况。这可是免费的喜剧秀。
  • Like, look at these ladies fighting over lipstick you can buy literally for two more dollars the next day.
  • 看看那些为了口红打架的女士,其实第二天也只要多花两美元而已。


Bubbly_ginger wants to know:

"Should I go shopping on Black Friday? It seems hectic but the deals are amazing!"
It's supposed to be the biggest shopping day of the year. Why would you want to go on the biggest shopping day of the year?
Do you want to get trampled? Do you wanna lose an arm?
You probably shouldn't go because there's gonna be thousands of people bumping into you, pushing into you, and it's really not worth that 10% off.
People have died from Black Friday shopping. Like, your TV that you want, that's on sale, is not that important. Like, chill.
Do Black Friday shopping online. There's a lot of Black Friday deals online too, and you get to skip all the stupid lines.
I would avoid it, but if you're willing to stand in line forever, you probably could get a good deal.
Yes, you should go shopping because everything is cheap.
If you wanna go shopping, go shopping. Don't feel bad about it.
Yes and no. It depends upon the deals. If it's something you want, go ahead and do it. Just know it's gonna be early.
If you're a pretty patient person, then yeah, sure, go on. But if you have a very low patience level, maybe you shouldn't.
Get a group of friends, get up early and go somewhere and have breakfast first, then get in line and just pretend it's a party because the deals are amazing.
I don't go for the deals. I go for the hecticness. I love how there's so many people there, and it's all crazy. It's a free comedy show. Like, look at these ladies fighting over lipstick you can buy literally for two more dollars the next day.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
comedy ['kɔmidi]


n. 喜剧,滑稽,幽默事件

patience ['peiʃəns]


n. 耐心,忍耐,毅力
n. 单人玩的牌

avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避

skip [skip]


v. 跳过,略过,遗漏
n. 跳跃,跳读

pretend [pri'tend]


v. 假装,装作
adj. 假装的

willing ['wiliŋ]


adj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的





