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趣味建议React 第75期:怎么在上课时发短信不被发现

来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Kristina Pauna asks:
  • 克里斯蒂娜·保纳问道:
  • "How do you get away with texting in class?"
  • “怎么在上课时发短信不被发现?”
  • I don't know. That's a hard one. I don't think you could.
  • 我不知道。这很难做到。我想你没办法做到。
  • Don't text in class. You're in class to learn.
  • 上课时不要发短信。你在课堂上应该学习。
  • Don't text while you're driving, and don't text while you're studying.
  • 在开车时不要发短信,在学习时也不要发短信。
  • You'll drive better and not kill people, and you'll learn more and get a better education and become a better person.
  • 这样能使你更专心开车,不会撞到人;可以学到更多知识,获得更好的教育,成为更好的人。
  • You simply text before class. It's that simple.
  • 在上课前发短信就行了。就是这么简单。
  • Only text if it's for something really important and have a good excuse like, "Oh, sorry, this is my mom."
  • 只在有非常重要的事情或是有很好的借口时发短信,比如:“哦,抱歉,是我妈妈。”
  • I've seen people, you know, put it in a purse and they're pretending to look through their purse.
  • 我看到过有人把手机放在钱包里,然后假装在看钱包。
  • Oh my god. I am the master!
  • 哦,我的天哪。我可是这方面的专家!
  • You have it out on your desk, and it's just kind of sitting there, and when they're not looking you can kind of like...
  • 把手机拿出来放在桌子上,你就坐在那里,趁别人不注意,你就可以这样发短信了……
  • Have it inside your book or behind it and just be looking, like, text and pay attention.
  • 把手机放在书里或是放在书后面,假装在看书,其实你是在发短信,要集中注意力。
  • Sit behind someone and put your phone to where the teacher can't see your phone.
  • 坐在某个学生的后面,把手机放在老师看不到的地方。
  • Do it under the desk, and make sure that you turn any sort of notifications or sounds off, or beeps.
  • 在桌子下面发短信,确保关掉所有通知、提示音或是震动。
  • So here's the desk, right? You're sitting right here, and on the desk you wanna slouch back and bring your legs up.
  • 这是桌子,对吧?你坐在这里,往后靠在椅背上,把腿抬起来。
  • And then, with your legs, cover your phone.
  • 然后,用你的腿挡住你的手机。
  • Have it under the desk, but it looks like you're looking at the paper possibly.
  • 在桌子下面发短信,使自己看上去像在看文件。
  • You have to do the awkward, "Don't look at my face."
  • 你要做得别扭一些,“不要看我的脸”。
  • Like, you don't know what I'm looking at, but right now I'm looking at Instagram.
  • 你不知道我在看什么,而现在我正在上Ins。
  • But you don't know that. I could be looking at the corner of this computer, see?
  • 可是你不知道。我也可能在看电脑的一角,看到了吗?


Kristina Pauna asks:

"How do you get away with texting in class?"
I don't know. That's a hard one. I don't think you could.
(sternly) Don't text in class. You're in class to learn.
Don't text while you're driving, and don't text while you're studying. You'll drive better and not kill people, and you'll learn more and get a better education and become a better person.
You simply text before class. It's that simple.
Only text if it's for something really important and have a good excuse like, "Oh, sorry, this is my mom."
I've seen people, you know, put it in a purse and they're pretending to look through their purse.
Oh my god. I am the master! You have it out on your desk, and it's just kind of sitting there, and when they're not looking you can kind of like...
Have it inside your book or behind it and just be looking, like, text and pay attention.
Sit behind someone and put your phone to where the teacher can't see your phone.
Do it under the desk, and make sure that you turn any sort of notifications or sounds off, or beeps.
So here's the desk, right? You're sitting right here, and on the desk you wanna slouch back and bring your legs up. And then, with your legs, cover your phone.
Have it under the desk, but it looks like you're looking at the paper possibly. You have to do the awkward, "Don't look at my face." Like, you don't know what I'm looking at, but right now I'm looking at Instagram. But you don't know that. I could be looking at the corner of this computer, see?


重点单词   查看全部解释    
sternly ['stə:nli]


adv. 严格地,严肃地,坚定地

awkward ['ɔ:kwəd]


adj. 笨拙的,尴尬的,(设计)别扭的

slouch [slautʃ]


n. 没精打采的样子,耷拉,笨人 v. 没精打采地站,坐


关键字: 建议 发短信 React




