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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- What about the moral dimension of happiness?
- 快乐的道德维度呢?
- There are so many other things happening, so many important things to do in the world.
- 还有很多事情在发生世上有很多重要的事情要做
- Why should we have happiness as our highest end, as our chief concern, as that which determines the motion of our life?
- 为什么把快乐作为最终目标作为主要担心为什么由它来决定生命活动?
- In other words, what's good about wellbeing?
- 换言之,幸福有什么好处?
- What's good about positive emotions?
- 积极情绪有什么好处?
- And there is a lot of research to answer this question.
- 大量研究都尝试回答这个问题
- But before the research, it feels good to feel good.
- 暂不说研究感觉好就是感觉好
- Think about it. Internalize it.
- 想到快乐,注入内心
- You know This is Aristotle's Law of Identity:
- 这是亚里斯多德的"同一律"
- A is A it feels good to feel good.
- 一即一,感觉好就是感觉好
- And that, in and of itself is justification:
- 这本身就是辩解理由
- why not feel good, if we can feel good?
- 如果能感觉好,为什么不感觉好呢?
- So the burden to prove why happiness is not important may be on the people
- 证明快乐为什么是不重要的重担可能落在
- who would argue otherwise we will talk about that argument later.
- 执否定观点的人身上我们会在以后谈到这个论点
- But the first key issue is that it's good in and of itself almost needs no justification.
- 但首先的关键问题是快乐本身是好的几乎无需辩解
- However, beyond just feeling good, happiness also contributes to our life, to our relationships.
- 然而除了感觉好快乐还对我们的人生有帮助对人际关系有帮助
- It contributes to other people.
- 对他人有帮助
- This is research done by Barbara Fredrickson, one of the faculty members who teaches at U PENN.
- Barbara Fredrickson做了这项研究在宾州大学任教的学会成员
- You saw a picture of her up there.
- 你们曾在上面见过她的照片
- What Barbara Fredrickson says is that positive emotions have an evolutionary reason,
- Barbara Fredrickson的观点是积极情绪有一个进化理由
- that they have a purpose beyond just making us feel good.
- 它们的目的不仅仅是让人感觉好

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201705/507519.shtml