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- You would think that advances in fork technology peaked years ago but, somehow, McDonald's has found a way to improve upon perfection.
- 你可能以为叉子的改进技术在很多年前就达到了高峰,不过麦当劳又设法在完美的基础上进行了改善。
- The famed fast food restaurant chain has created the "frork" which is a fork with french fries for prongs.
- 这家著名的快餐连锁店创造出了一种叉尖是薯条的“叉子”。
- Instead of grabbing fries to wipe up spilled secret sauce, you can use the frork.
- 你不需要再用手拿着薯条去蘸秘制酱汁,叉子可以为你代劳。
- In a press release, McDonald's Chef Michael Haracz said:
- 在一次新闻发布会上,麦当劳的大厨迈克尔·哈拉克说
- "While the Frork is supremely superfluous, it shows that McDonald's is willing to do whatever it takes to help them enjoy every last bite."
- “虽然这个叉子看起来完全没有必要,但它表明麦当劳愿竭尽所能让消费者享受每一口食物。”
You would think that advances in fork technology peaked years ago but, somehow, McDonald's has found a way to improve upon perfection. The famed fast food restaurant chain has created the "frork" which is a fork with french fries for prongs.

Instead of grabbing fries to wipe up spilled secret sauce, you can use the frork. In a press release, McDonald's Chef Michael Haracz said: "While the Frork is supremely superfluous, it shows that McDonald's is willing to do whatever it takes to help them enjoy every last bite."
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201705/507402.shtml