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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- So that's a brief overview of the courses.
- 以上只是课程简介
- Debbie is going to just take a couple of minutes to show you some pictures
- Debbie会占用几分钟时间给大家看一些照片
- this has been a lot of texts in the last few minutes.
- 过去几分钟展示了太多文字
- Debbie will show you some pictures and tell you more about the class.
- Debbie会展示一些照片,更详细地介绍一下学生
- Debbie. Thanks. Thank you. You heard about the course from James.
- 交给Debbie谢谢大家听过了James的课程简介
- I'm going to tell you a little bit about how they are set up and what they are.
- 我会介绍一下课程安排和内容
- And this is a picture from emersion week emersion week is when the very first time students meet together that for 5 days to Penn.
- 这是一张开学周的照片开学周时,同学初次见面他们来宾州五天
- And we have class from 8 to 5.
- 我们的课程从早上八点到下午五点
- And I know it sounds kind of crazy but we have a lot of fun as you can tell.
- 我知道听上去很疯狂但我们相处得很快乐,你们看得出
- And they stay engaged, because we bring faculties from all over the place and this world-class faculty
- 学生们兴趣浓厚因为我们收录来自全球各行各业的学生,在这个世界级学院
- they really have a chance to interact with these.
- 他们有机会进行真正的交流
- The class is 41 students they take all the courses together and it's more a seminar than a lecture.
- 班上有41个学生一起上课更像是论坛而非讲座
- So they really get to interact quite a bit.
- 同学们有深入交流
- And during break, during lunchtime, etc, they get to see these people that just have come in from various places.
- 休息时,午餐时他们结识来自世界各地的同学
- Another more of interaction that you get in the MAPP program is with cohorts.
- 宾州应用心理学硕士课程的另一种交流形式是团体交流
- Everyone is put in a cohort about 3 to 5 people.
- 每个人和另外三五个人组织一个团队
- And you'll do different projects with these people; you'll do a lot of things in distant learning;
- 你和他们合作不同的课题远程学习可以做很多事
- you'll communicate a lot with these people.
- 可以经常和这些人交流
- And this is just another depth that you get when you get to work with people from all different places and all different demographics.
- 这是你获得的另一种深度当你与来自世界各地的人合作时
- And one of the things we really try to use the Capstone project for is a stepping stone into what you are going to do with your application.
- 我们很想利用总结性课程作为踏脚石,让学生更顺利地展开应用

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201704/502222.shtml