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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- So in January, 2005, I joined the positive psychology center as the director of education and senior scholar.
- 2005年一月我加入积极心理学中心任教育主任和高级学者
- The next month, in February of 2005, Debbie Swick came on board as the associate director of education.
- 2005年二月Debbie Swick加入中心任教育助理主任
- Our task was to create a master program and have an up and running by the fall.
- 我们的任务是编制硕士课程并在秋季推出
- So again, I got there in January, Debbie came in February.
- 我一月加入,Debbie二月加入
- We got our brochure out, printed and published in March.
- 三月完成论出印刷并出版
- Our application deadline was April.
- 申请的最后期限是四月
- Kind of an optimistic, I suppose?
- 我猜有点乐天派
- And we didn't know if anybody would show up.
- 我们不知道是否有人报读
- We didn't know if anybody would be interested.
- 不知是否有人感兴趣
- We needn't have worried.
- 但我们不需要担心
- We got over 100 applications and we accepted 36 students into our program for that fall.
- 我们收到超过一百份申请表秋天时收了36名学生
- And things have just been really going well and hopping ever since.
- 后来的收生情况越来越好
- This is our current class.
- 这是我们当前的学生
- On their first day of class in the fall of 2007, we have 41 students in our class this year.
- 2007年秋天,开课第一天今年一共收录41名学生
- So I'd just like to tell you a little bit more about the students.
- 我想多介绍一点学生情况
- Actually three of our graduates or current students are teaching fellows in this class.
- 我们有三名毕业生或在读生是这门课的助教
- Debbie Coen, Elizabeth Johnston where are you?
- Debbie Coen和Elizabeth Johnston
- You guys, please stand up.
- 请站起来
- And Elizabeth Peterson. Great.
- 还有Elizabeth Peterson ,很好
- If you look at the up left corner, Gabriel was a student here in this class two years ago,
- 看左上角两年前,Gabriel修读这门课

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201703/501043.shtml