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- and making the presentation motivating so that we want to go out and apply the ideas that we are studying.
- 让讲座富于感召力使我们想出去应用学到的理念
- I'm curious how many of you here are interested in applying the science of positive psychology
- 我想知道有多少人对将积极心理学应用于
- in your own personal life as part of why you are her.
- 生活中感兴趣
- Can I see your hands?Ok. Great.
- 请举手?好,很好
- How many of you are here because you are also
- 有多少人选择这门课
- potentially interested in applying the science of positive psychology
- 是因为有兴趣在未来事业中
- in your future career decisions, in your job eventually? Ok.Great. Excellent.
- 应用积极心理学在工作中? 好的很好,好极了
- I hope you do just that.
- 希望你们起码能那么做
- For those of you who are interested in taking positive psychology,
- 那些有兴趣
- studies of positive psychology deeper at graduate level program for your own knowledge,
- 深入学习积极心理学的学生在研究生程度课程获取知识
- but also to be able to take what you are learning into your profession,
- 但同样能够将所学带入事业
- we're delighted to be able to tell you
- 我们很高兴能够向你们介绍
- a little bit about the master of applied positive psychology program
- 一下宾州大学的
- at the University of Pennsylvania,and to talk a little bit about taking positive psychology from the classroom to the world.
- 积极心理学硕士课程谈谈将积极心理学从课堂带向世界
- Now as you know, positive psychology is just about 10 years old.
- 你们知道积极心理学刚刚诞生十年
- It was started in 1998, when Martin Seligman
- 始于1998年,Martin Seligman
- was the president of the American Psychological Association.
- 美国心理学协会当时的主席
- And positive psychology was one of his presidential initiatives.
- 积极心理学是他主持开创的
- About 4 years ago, Martin Seligman started the positive psychology center at the University of Pennsylvania.
- 四年前Martin Seligman创办积极心理学中心在宾州大学
- And the mission of the positive psychology center is to promote research, training,
- 积极心理学中心的使命是推广研究,培训
- education and dissemination of positive psychology.
- 教育和传播积极心理学

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201703/499625.shtml