adj. 军事的
n. 军队
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- Two-hundred dogs rescued from South Korea are now one step closer to finding new homes.
- 从韩国救出的200只狗狗现在正在寻找新的家园。
- Human Society International rescued the dogs from a meat farm. The owner reached out to the rescue organization for help in shutting down the farm.
- 国际人道对待动物协会从肉场救出这些狗。拥有者向救援组织伸出援手帮助关闭肉场。
- Most people in South Korea don't eat dog meat regularly, and according to HSI, it's becoming increasingly unpopular with younger generations.
- 在韩国大多数人不经常吃狗肉,根据HSI,在年轻一代这变得越来越不受欢迎。
- Animal shelters in six states and Washington, D.C., will take in the rescued pups to help them get adopted.
- 六个州和华盛顿的动物收容所将收留这些获救的小狗,帮助它们得到安置。
- In the past two years, HSI has helped rescue 770 dogs from meat farms in South Korea alone.
- 在过去的两年中,仅在韩国,HSI从肉场帮助救援出770只狗。
- This rescue operation is part of a larger mission to end the dog meat trade in Asian nations, including China, Vietnam and Indonesia.
- 更大的使命是结束亚洲国家的狗肉交易,包括中国、越南和印度尼西亚,此次营救行动是其中的一部分。


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