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- North Korea says it's almost ready to test its first intercontinental ballistic missile.
- 朝鲜表示准备测试第一枚洲际弹道导弹。
- North Korea gaining the technology to fire a long-range missile means a nuclear bomb could reach the continental U.S.
- 朝鲜获得发射远程导弹的技术意味着核弹可以打到达美国大陆。
- The isolated nation has been threatening the U.S. for years, but North Korea leader Kim Jong-un's latest speech comes as Donald Trump prepares to take office on Jan 20.
- 这个孤立的国家已经威胁美国很多年了,朝鲜领导人金正恩最新讲话之际,唐纳德·特朗普正准备于1月20日就职。
- And the North's other top adversary South Korea is dealing with political turmoil, as President Park Geun-hye was recently impeached.
- 朝鲜的另一对手韩国正在处理政治动荡,朴槿惠总统最近被弹劾。
- Experts say Kim is taking advantage of this political unrest, trying to assert North Korea as a nuclear power.
- 专家表示,金正恩正利用这一政治动荡,试图声称朝鲜是一个核大国。
- National Intelligence Director James Clapper called nuclear capability "a ticket to survival" for North Korea and the Kim dynasty.
- 国家情报总监詹姆斯·克拉珀称核能力是朝鲜和金氏王朝的“生存之票”。


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