n. 避难(处), 庇护(所)
v. 庇护,避
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- Many of these Syrian refugee kids could be working longer hours than most American workers.
- 许多叙利亚难民孩子的工作时间比大多数美国工人长。
- They sought refuge in Lebanon but found child labor instead.
- 他们在黎巴嫩寻求庇护,但却发现了童工。
- A new report says more than 1 in 4 kids are selling CDs and other items on the street to help support their families.
- 一份新的报告说,超过四分之一的孩子在街上卖CD和其它物品,以帮助支持他们的家庭。
- Nearly two-thirds of kids surveyed say they've experienced violence on the job.
- 近三分之二的受访儿童说他们在工作中经历了暴力行为。
- Lebanon does have laws against child labor, but the country has been criticized for not doing enough to prevent kids from being exploited.
- 黎巴嫩确实有法律禁止童工,但该国一直被批评没有做足够的工作防止儿童被剥削。

重点单词 | 查看全部解释 | |||
refuge | ['refju:dʒ] | |||
experienced | [iks'piəriənst] | |||
exploit | [iks'plɔit] | 联想记忆 | ||
prevent | [pri'vent] | 联想记忆 | ||
claim | [kleim] | |||
performance | [pə'fɔ:məns] | 联想记忆 | ||
violence | ['vaiələns] |

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