n. 紧张,拉力,张力,紧张状态,[电]电压
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- South Korea's Parliament has voted to impeach embattled President Park Geun-hye over a corruption scandal.
- 韩国议会投票弹劾深陷腐败丑闻的总统朴槿惠。
- I solemnly accept the voice of the Parliament and the people and sincerely hope this confusion is soundly resolved.
- 我庄严地接受议会和人民的声音,真诚地希望这一混乱局面得到彻底解决。
- According to local media, Friday's motion passed by a huge margin: 234 votes to 56. That was more than enough to fulfill the two-thirds majority required for impeachment.
- 据当地媒体报道,周五的提议以234比56大比例通过。足够满足弹劾所需的三分之二多数。
- The vote comes after weeks of protests demanding Park's removal from office.
- 投票是继数周抗议要求朴槿惠下台后。
- She has been accused of sharing confidential information with her longtime friend Choi Soon-sil, who critics allege secretly controlled parts of the government even though she is a private citizen.
- 她被指控与长期密友崔顺实共享机密信息,评判者称她暗中干涉部分政府事务,即使她是一名普通公民。
- Park's powers were immediately suspended after the impeachment vote.
- 弹劾投票后,朴槿惠的权力被立即中止。
- South Korea's prime minister will take over as acting president while the Constitutional Court decides whether to permanently remove Park from office.
- 韩国总理将接任代总统,与此同时宪法法院将决定是否永久罢免朴槿惠。


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