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BBC环球慢速英语 第92期:朵拉医生(6)

来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • NAFDAC has taken and destroyed counterfeit drugs worth sixteen million dollars.
  • 尼日利亚食药总局摧毁了价值1600万美元的假药。
  • People all over the world recognise Akunyili's efforts.
  • 全世界的人们都认可阿库尼丽的努力。
  • In 2005 the Human Rights Defence Organisation gave Akunyili an award.
  • 2005年,人权保护组织给阿库尼丽颁发了一个奖。
  • It was the 'Grassroots Human Rights Campaigner Award'.
  • 这个奖是“基层人权活动家奖”。
  • But Akunyili's work does have a high personal risk.
  • 但是阿库尼丽的工作也有很高的个人风险。
  • She is on the front line of the counterfeit drugs war. And counterfeiters know her name.
  • 她处在打击假药战的前线。制假者知道她的名字。
  • They are fighting back. They have burnt down NAFDAC's offices.
  • 他们一直在反击。他们烧毁了尼日利亚食药总局的办公室。
  • They have threatened to kill Akunyili and her children.
  • 他们威胁要杀了阿库尼丽和她的孩子们。
  • They have even shot her in her car. Akunyili said,
  • 他们甚至向坐在车里的她开枪。阿库尼丽说,
  • "My family lives in fear about their lives — especially about me.
  • “我的家人对他们的生命安全感到担心,尤其是对我的安全感到担心。
  • My youngest son was threatened in school. He feared for his life.
  • 我最小的儿子在学校受到了威胁。他对他的生命安全感到担心。
  • So, he told people that I am only a relation — not his mother.
  • 所以他告诉别人我只是他的亲戚,不是他妈妈。
  • My husband is a doctor. He also lives in fear.
  • 我丈夫是医生。他也生活在恐惧中。
  • He has security around him twenty-four hours a day.
  • 一天24小时都有安全人员在他身边提供保护。
  • As for me, I do not have a social life. Police and security surround me the whole time.
  • 至于我,我根本没有社交生活。警察和安全人员一直跟在我身边。
  • I am very careful wherever I go. There are always criminals watching my moves.
  • 无论我去哪里都要特别小心。罪犯一直在关注着我的一举一动。
  • My husband deals with the worry through sport — he plays tennis.
  • 我丈夫用运动来缓解他的担心,他会去打网球。
  • I deal with mine by praying continuously."
  • 而我则通过不断祈祷来缓解我的担心。”


Voice 2: NAFDAC has taken and destroyed counterfeit drugs worth sixteen million dollars. People all over the world recognise Akunyili's efforts. In 2005 the Human Rights Defence Organisation gave Akunyili an award. It was the 'Grassroots Human Rights Campaigner Award'. But Akunyili's work does have a high personal risk. She is on the front line of the counterfeit drugs war. And counterfeiters know her name. They are fighting back. They have burnt down NAFDAC's offices. They have threatened to kill Akunyili and her children. They have even shot her in her car. Akunyili said,

Voice 3: "My family lives in fear about their livesespecially about me. My youngest son was threatened in school. He feared for his life. So, he told people that I am only a relationnot his mother. My husband is a doctor. He also lives in fear. He has security around him twenty-four hours a day. As for me, I do not have a social life. Police and security surround me the whole time. I am very careful wherever I go. There are always criminals watching my moves. My husband deals with the (worry) through sporthe plays tennis. I deal with mine by praying continuously."


重点单词   查看全部解释    
social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

counterfeit ['kauntəfit]


n. 膺品,伪造品 adj. 假冒的,假装的 v. 仿造

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券





