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《酷刑,法律与战争》公开课 >
- You find that what a person had gone through previously plays a huge part in how they are able to endure or recover from the torture
- 你发现一个人之前所经历的事情 在他们忍受和克服折磨中 起到了重要的作用
- that is if they had a healthy background, we see amazing capacity for people to be able to get on with their lives in spite of things that
- 也就是说 如果他们之前有健康的背景 我们会看到他们有惊人的恢复能力 虽然经历种种我认为会彻底摧毁我的酷刑
- I would think would have left me totally broken.
- 他们也能够继续生活
- Um, on the other hand if they had a difficult background it's going to be greatly compounded.
- 另一方面 如果他们背景艰苦 那么情况会变得非常复杂和困难
- The cultural factors play er, an equally important part as early life experience does.
- 文化因素和早期生活经历一样 也起到了同样重要的作用
- The short term immediate effects of torture besides the physical ones which most quickly come to mind, are the psychological which are less visible.
- 折磨所带来的短期后果 除了最容易被记住的身体摧残外 还有心理影响 这更难看得到
- The cognitive ones, er, disruption sub-memory, disruptions of concentration, um,
- 认知影响 记忆中断 无法集中记忆力
- the er problems of um, er ruminations being obsessive about what one went through and not being able to stop thinking about it.
- 沉思 沉迷于自己所经历的事情 想这些事情停不下来
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201612/482982.shtml