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《酷刑,法律与战争》公开课 >
- Currently there's 200 centres worldwide working with torture,
- 现在世界范围内 有200个中心 研究酷刑折磨问题
- there's a great deal of knowledge that's been gained from this both in terms of the affects of torture andthe er, the treatment of it.
- 我们从中获取了大量的知识 既包括折磨的影响 也涵盖了如何 治疗折磨
- Er, I'll briefly speak to more the affects of it for the purpose of this putting again
- 我还会更多地谈到折磨的后果 正如我之前说的
- I hope some human face on what it means to be a victim of torture.
- 我希望让折磨的受害者 更加具体化
- Um, the er, torture that is understood is described as having a triple er, a triple paradigm er, particularly for refugees.
- 人们一般认为折磨 形容折磨有三种范式 特别是对难民来说
- There's the torture itself obviously, and then there's the uprooting the no longer fitting in and the loss of what one had,
- 显然 第一是折磨本身 第二是连根拔起 不再归属一个地方 失去所有
- those three different er, aspects of it, the violence of the uprooting particularly if you become a refugee and have to leave your country.
- 这三个方面 特别是离开家园 流离失所 如果你成为难民 不得不离开祖国
- But even if you return to the community, you don't fit into it in the same way.
- 即使你再回去故土 你也无法像以前一样适应了
- You're different, you are marginalised, way too much, er, so as terrible as the torture is, what follows from that compounds it greatly.
- 你已经不同了 彻底被边缘化了 这和折磨一样可怕 随之而来让事情更加复杂
- Er, another important aspect psychologically is that the torture is mitigated or exacerbated by earlier life experience.
- 心理学的另一个方面是 折磨会被早期的生活经历 减轻或者加剧
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201612/482981.shtml