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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- And this is very much what Maslow has in mind when he talked about the analogous Manhattan Project.
- 这正是Maslow的想法 当他谈及类似的曼哈顿计划时
- Where scientists, positive psychologists or that time psychologists, social scientists would get together.
- 科学家 积极心理学家 当时的心理学家 社学科学工作者聚在一起
- And pick out the tip of the stem the few ideas.
- 在流行学术领域中挑选出 几种观念
- The few programs that work and then replicate them. Study the best and as one of the students here, Mariam .
- 几个有效的项目 再复制它们 研究最好的 正如Mariam同学
- Came to me after the class and she said, the tip of the stem is actually about democratizing excellence.
- 课后找到我时说的 流行学术其实是要将杰出大众化
- I love that phrase. Democratizing excellence.
- 我喜欢这个说法 将杰出大众化
- Studying the best and applying it to the rest of us. Ok, so we have this grand scheme.
- 研究最好的再应用在其他人身上 我们有了这样一个伟大的计划
- Grand idea by Maslow to create a Manhattan-type Project. But what if I'm not interested in going into one of these projects.
- 有了Maslow创造类似曼哈顿计划的伟大想法 但是如果我不想参与计划?
- What if I'm not even interested in becoming an academic? Just want to do things on my own: Can I make a difference.
- 不想成为学者 只想做自己的事 我能否实现改变?
- And the answer is absolutely yes. One of the most significant barriers.
- 答案是 绝对能够 人若想在世间有所为
- To people doing things in the world, to actually introducing change.
- 真正实现改变 面对的最显着障碍之一
- Is that they underestimate their ability to bring about change. There is a lot of research in psychology.
- 是他们低估自己实现改变的能力 心理学界有很多研究
- Primarily the people who started are Emerson and Moscovici and many others who have done research showing how minority.
- 爱默生和莫斯科维奇是先驱 他们和其他学者都证明少数人

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201612/481215.shtml