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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- Hi, morning. You know, when I asked them to dedicate this song.
- 早上好 请他们献歌时
- I had a slightly different song in mind. But so be it.
- 本来想选另一首歌 但是......算了吧
- We do love you. What we are going to talk about today.
- 我们确实爱你们 今天课程的内容
- Continuing from last time is or are the basic premises of this course.
- 是上节课的延续 是这门课的基本前提
- Where we are coming from, where we are going laying down in many ways.
- 我们来自哪里 我们将去哪里 从各个方面展开论述
- The foundation of the spiral that we are going to create for the next semester together.
- 螺旋的基础 我们将在本学期一起创建它
- Last time we stopped, we talked about how difficult change is. We talked about the Twin studies that illustrate.
- 上次我们讲到改变有多么困难 我们谈到双胞胎研究 举例说明了
- That what Lykken and Tellegen said maybe changing our happiness level is as difficult as.
- Lykken和Tellegen提出的 也许改变我们幸福水平
- And futile as trying to change our height. And we talked about the error of the average and the mistake.
- 和试图改变身高一样困难和徒劳无功 然后谈到这些研究学者么犯的
- That these researchers are making, misunderstanding the nature of change.
- 一般性的失误和错误 误解改变的本质
- Because if someone changes, the question is no longer is it possible to change.
- 因为如果一个人在改变 问题已不再是是否可能改变?
- But rather how is it possible to change. And then we talked about the Somerville Cambridge study.
- 而是怎样才可能改变 还谈到剑桥-萨默维尔研究
- That show that literally the Rolls-Royce of interventions failed 5 years with the leading scientists.
- 证明劳斯莱斯干预彻底失败 五年来 剑桥 哈佛和麻省理工的

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201612/481160.shtml