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骑士与少女(视频+MP3+中英字幕) 第181期:《空暗女王》课本讨论(10)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Helen   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • We have Morgause who nobody wants for a mother, believe me
  • 摩高斯 没有谁希望是她的儿女 相信我
  • If you've read most of this it's definitely a strange character
  • 如果你读过这里就知道这绝对是一个奇怪的角色
  • We have St Toirdelbach who serves an educational purpose for the boys
  • 我们有St Toirdelbach 先生为男孩儿们的教育提供服务
  • And the world in which they grew up is totally deprived,we're even told that they have an imperfect sense of right and wrong
  • 这些孩子们生长在极度缺乏教育的世界里 我们已经讲过他们甚至是非观念都不明朗
  • They learned, the boys go to mother Merlyn's house to see St Toirdelbach who did teach them to read and write He's their tutor He's their Merlyn
  • 他们学习着 这些男孩儿们到梅林那时的屋子里去看 St Toridelbach 教他们读和写 他是他们的导师 他是他们的梅林
  • And hear a story, and these stories are not like the little nice stories That we hear from Merlyn about the rabbi
  • 听一个故事 这些故事不是那些温馨的小故事 我们从梅林这里听到的关于法师的故事
  • That we read and say, Cool, you know
  • 我们读且说 酷 你知道
  • I get this This is simple You read these things and you kind of fall asleep if you're like me
  • 我知道了 这很简单 你读这些故事的时候你可能会睡着 如果你们像我一样的话
  • And you go, Oh, wait, I got to read this again
  • 然后你说 等等 我又得重新读一下这里
  • In case they ask something, make sure I know what the moral is Cause I'm not sure
  • 万一他们问一些事情 我得确保知道这故事的寓意是什么 因为我不确定







