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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- How about societal change? I want to share with you at the end today a study,
- 那社会变革呢?最后我想介绍以下这项研究
- One of the most famous studies in the field called the Cambridge Somerville Youth Study psychology .
- 心理学最有名的研究 剑桥-萨默维尔青年学习心理学
- This was the study that was run, starting in the 1930s right here between Harvard and MIT,
- 这项研究从上世纪30年代开始由哈佛大学与麻省理工学院共同进行
- Were the best minds psychological minds, philosophical minds, psychiatrists
- 这些人拥有最高的思维心理学思维 哲学思维 心理医生
- Got together and said, let's create the Rolls Royce there wasn't a Rolls Royce then
- 他们聚在一起讨论 让我们做一个劳斯莱斯计划吧
- But best intervention program that we can think of. There was no limit in terms of how much money was put into it.
- 这是能想到的最佳干预方案 他们没有金钱方面的限制
- As much as they needed, they got and they chose 250 kids from an at risk population.
- 他们的一切要求都得到了满足他们从受危人群中选了250名孩子
- And the intervention is not a quick fix, overnight change, we can seminar.
- 干预不是快速修复不是能一夜改变的 他们实行五年干预
- Five year intervention and here is what they got. Twice a month, case workers visited them,
- 他们所做的是工作人员每月两次探访受试者
- Helped them deal with the conflicts in the family, helped them deal with issues in their lives.
- 帮助他们处理家庭中的冲突以及处理日常生活中的问题
- Half of them had academic tutoring, those who needed it got help, academic help.
- 他们中有一半人得到了学院的辅导只要有需要 就能得到学术帮助
- Psychiatric attention all those who needed it, they were there.
- 精神科医生也是谁有需要 医生都随时候命
- No limits on how much you needed it. Whatever you needed, you got from the best minds in the field.
- 你可尽情利用这些资源无论你需要什么 这些精英都能满足你
- They joined the boy scouts, YMCA, other youth movements, benefited a great deal,
- 他们加入了童子军 基督教青年会或其他的青年运动 获益良多
- Supposedly from these experiences. They got everything.
- 从这些经验可看出来他们得到了一切

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201611/476764.shtml