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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- What he suggested is Manhattan Project type attacks upon what I consider to be the truly Big Problems of our time,
- 他表明 曼哈顿计划 反驳了当时最大的问题
- Not only for psychology but for all human beings with any sense of historical urgency .
- 这不仅是对心理学 甚至对所有人类都带来了历史紧迫感
- The Manhattan Project, when they created the atomic bomb and whether or not you agree with
- 曼哈顿计划中 他们创造了原子弹无论你是否同意
- The Manhattan Project normatively. One second. I'm almost done.
- 这计划很快就说完
- Positively, what they did there was bring together the best minds Oppenheimer, Zillart, Fermi Feinman, Bore
- 积极地说 他们汇集了最优秀的人才奥本海默 基拉特 费米费曼 波尔
- Bring them together with a mission of saving the free world. Again whether you agree or not with the project
- 联合他们 共同拯救自由世界无论你是否同意这计划
- Is beside the point, it was the greatest, positively speaking, scientific project in history where the minds got together.
- 积极来说 它都是最伟大的计划聚集起了最优秀的人才
- This is what Maslow is suggesting that psychologists do. This is also the aim of positive psychology, no less than this.
- 这就是Maslow建议心理学家该做的事同时也是积极心理学的目标
- You get people around the world to think about these problems, these issues practical idealists
- 让全世界的人们思考这些问题实际的理想主义者
- Who will study what works, who will study the best and through that, make a difference.
- 研究可行的方法研究最好的个体 他们会带来改变
- I'll see you next week.
- 下周再见

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201611/476753.shtml
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单词urgency 联想记忆: 源于:urge(v 催促),ncy-催促你干的事情-紧急事件