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  • It's amazing.It's line in the movie and it just grew and grew and grew. It's become part of a culture.
  • 这非常棒 这是一句片中的台词 然后越来越火 变成了文化的一部分
  • All of the lines of "Friday" movies.It's a basketball player named Zach Randolph.
  • 《星期五》的所有台词都是这样 比如篮球运动员扎克·兰多夫
  • They call him Z-Bo,which was Dibo was the bully in the movie.He has a bully game when he plays.
  • 他的外号叫“扎波” 因为片中的恶棍叫“迪波”而他打球时总是欺负人
  • This movie has kind of,you know,got into people's hearts.and that's why we are having the screening and you know everybody come out.
  • 这部电影深入人心 所以我们才会重映 大家都出来看吧
  • I know you guys know the movie.Come out,yell at the screen.
  • 我知道你们了解这部电影 出来吧 对荧屏吼
  • You know,we're doing some great,we're having some fun on Monday.
  • 我们会在周一玩得很开心的
  • Now,speaking of movies,for a long time,we have been hearing that the N.W.A movie is coming and it is,this is really your story.
  • 现在说道电影 很就以前 我们都听说异见人士大电影要上映了 这真的是你的奋斗故事
  • I mean,this is the story of what you guys achieved,this remarkable achievement.
  • 讲了你们所取得的成就 非常伟大的成就
  • And how long ago,when did the movie start?What year does it begin?
  • 电影是何时开场的 是从哪年开始的
  • It starts in 1986.Goes from 86 to about 95 when E.Z. passes away.
  • 从1986年开始 从86年到95年埃里克·赖特去世
  • It's a strong,powerful story.I know a lot of people have seen red band and green band trailer online.If you haven't,check it out.
  • 这是一个震撼人心的故事 我知道很多人已经在网上看过了非限制级和限制级的预告 如果你没看 去看吧
  • It will be out August 14th.It's like Labor of love.It's me,it's Dr.Dre,it's F.Gary gray,who directed the "Friday" movie the first one.
  • 但是将在8月14日上映 这是我们心甘情愿拍的片 有我 德瑞博士 F·加利·格里 就是他执导了第一部《星期五》
  • So you know,we have all put our blood,sweat and tears into the movie.My son plays me.
  • 我们都为这部电影奉献了血汗泪 我的儿子扮演我
  • I want to ask you,we have a picture here,you son plays you.It's just remarkable.
  • 我想问问你 我们有张照片 你儿子扮演你 真是太像了


It's amazing.It's line in the movie and it just grew and grew and grew. It's become part of a culture.

这非常棒 这是一句片中的台词 然后越来越火 变成了文化的一部分

All of the lines of "Friday" movies.It's a basketball player named Zach Randolph.

《星期五》的所有台词都是这样 比如篮球运动员扎克·兰多夫

They call him Z-Bo,which was Dibo was the bully in the movie.He has a bully game when he plays.

他的外号叫“扎波” 因为片中的恶棍叫“迪波”而他打球时总是欺负人

This movie has kind of,you know,got into people's hearts.and that's why we are having the screening and you know everybody come out.

这部电影深入人心 所以我们才会重映 大家都出来看吧

I know you guys know the movie.Come out,yell at the screen.

我知道你们了解这部电影 出来吧 对荧屏吼

You know,we're doing some great,we're having some fun on Monday.


Now,speaking of movies,for a long time,we have been hearing that the N.W.A movie is coming and it is,this is really your story.

现在说道电影 很就以前 我们都听说异见人士大电影要上映了 这真的是你的奋斗故事

I mean,this is the story of what you guys achieved,this remarkable achievement.

讲了你们所取得的成就 非常伟大的成就

And how long ago,when did the movie start?What year does it begin?

电影是何时开场的 是从哪年开始的

It starts in 1986.Goes from 86 to about 95 when E.Z. passes away.

从1986年开始 从86年到95年埃里克·赖特去世

It's a strong,powerful story.I know a lot of people have seen red band and green band trailer online.If you haven't,check it out.

这是一个震撼人心的故事 我知道很多人已经在网上看过了非限制级和限制级的预告 如果你没看 去看吧

It will be out August 14th.It's like Labor of love.It's me,it's Dr.Dre,it's F.Gary gray,who directed the "Friday" movie the first one.

但是将在8月14日上映 这是我们心甘情愿拍的片 有我 德瑞博士 F·加利·格里 就是他执导了第一部《星期五》

So you know,we have all put our blood,sweat and tears into the movie.My son plays me.

我们都为这部电影奉献了血汗泪 我的儿子扮演我

I want to ask you,we have a picture here,you son plays you.It's just remarkable.

我想问问你 我们有张照片 你儿子扮演你 真是太像了

重点单词   查看全部解释    
lasting ['læstiŋ]


adj. 永久的,永恒的

bully ['buli]


n. 欺凌弱小者,土霸,开球
vt. 威胁,恐

episode ['episəud]


n. 插曲,一段情节,片段,轶事

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

screen [skri:n]


n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风
v. 放映,选拔,掩

conference ['kɔnfərəns]


n. 会议,会谈,讨论会,协商会

yell [jel]


v. 大叫
n. 大喊

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

band [bænd]


n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队

achievement [ə'tʃi:vmənt]


n. 成就,成绩,完成,达到


关键字: 柯南 脱口秀




