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- Now you laugh, but that quote has kind of a sting to it, right?
- 你觉得好笑,但是那句话有些刺痛,对吧。
- And I think the reason it has a sting is because
- 我认为它有刺的原因是因为
- thousands of years of history don't reverse themselves without a lot of pain,
- 数千年的历史是不会颠覆,如果没有疼痛的话。
- and that's why I talk about us all going through this together.
- 这也是为什么我谈到我们都将一起经历这个。
- The night after I talked to these college girls,
- 在我和这些大学女孩儿谈过之后的那天夜里,
- I also went to a men's group in Kansas,
- 我也去访问了在堪萨斯州的一个男生团体。
- and these were exactly the kind of victims of the manufacturing economy which I spoke to you about earlier.
- 这些正是制造业经济的受害者,正如我较早前对你们说的。
- They were men who had been contractors, or they had been building houses
- 他们是那些曾经的承包商,或者他们曾建造房屋
- and they had lost their jobs after the housing boom,
- 在房屋建造繁荣期过去之后他们失去了工作,
- and they were in this group because they were failing to pay their child support.
- 他们属于这个团体因为他们不能为他们的孩子支付抚养费。
- And the instructor was up there in the class
- 指导者站在教室前
- explaining to them all the ways in which they had lost their identity in this new age.
- 向他们解释他们是如何在新时代失去他们的身份。
- He was telling them they no longer had any moral authority,
- 他告诉他们,他们不再有任何道义上的权威,
- that nobody needed them for emotional support anymore, and they were not really the providers.
- 没有人需要他们来作为情感上的支撑,他们也不是提供者。
- So who were they? And this was very disheartening for them.
- 那么他们是谁呢?这对他们来说是十分的沮丧的。
- And what he did was he wrote down on the board "$85,000," and he said,
- 他所作的就是在黑板上写下八万五千美元,然后他说,
- "That's her salary," and then he wrote down "$12,000."
- “这是她的工资。”然后他写下一万两千美金。
- "That's your salary. So who's the man now?" he asked them.
- “这是你的工资。那么现在谁是一家之主?”他问他们。
- "Who's the damn man? She's the man now."
- “谁是那个一家之主?她现在成了一家之主。”
- And that really sent a shudder through the room.
- 那真的使整个屋子颤栗。
- And that's part of the reason I like to talk about this,
- 那也是我想要谈论这个的一部分原因,
- because I think it can be pretty painful, and we really have to work through it.
- 因为我认为它可以很刺痛,我们也的确需要攻克它。
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201610/473741.shtml