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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- The ability to enjoy food. A gourmet meal.
- 享受美食的能力美味大餐
- Now if we have indigestion, it's very difficult to enjoy food. So yes, we first need to get rid of the indigestion.
- 如果我们消化不良 那很难享受美食因此我们得先治好消化不良
- However, that in and of itself does not guarantee us that we enjoy food.
- 然而 治好消化不良不保证我们就能享受美食
- We have to go out and eat the gourmet food to enjoy it. Just getting rid of indigestion is not sufficient.
- 要享受美味大餐 就得出去吃只是治愈消化不良远远不够
- We need the next step. In many ways you can look at most of our experiences,
- 还要做好下一步的事可以从多方面来看我们的经验
- Psychological effective experiences on a continuum, where some of them fall below the zero,
- 在心理连续谱上看有效心理经验有时候会跌倒0以下
- The negative experiences or the painful experiences and the positive or the pleasurable experiences
- 不愉快或痛苦的经历积极或愉快的经历
- Between the zero and the positive. Neurosis, anger, anxiety, depression, psychosis
- 分别在0与正值之间紧张 愤怒 焦虑 压抑 精神病
- To name a few on the negative side, the painful side; wellbeing, satisfaction, joy, excitement, happiness
- 这些消极和痛苦的方面幸福 满足 愉悦 兴奋 快乐
- On the other side which is the side of positive psychology studies.
- 属于另一方面也就是积极心理学研究的方面
- Again, getting rid of the negative does not guarantee us the positive,
- 再强调一次 摆脱消极不能保证我们变得积极
- Which is why already in the 1840s, David Henry Thoreau (should be Henry David Thoreau),
- 因此早在19世纪40年代梭罗
- Wrote that most men lead lives of quiet desperation. It's Ok. There's nothing really wrong.
- 认为 大多数人都活在沉默的压抑中这是没错的
- But it's just somewhere there in the words of Pink Floyd people are comfortably numb . Comfortably numb.
- 但平克弗洛伊德说过 人们在舒适地麻木 舒适地麻木

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201610/469816.shtml