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- The two really bad ideas that are hovering in the modern world
- 在当代世界有两个特别糟糕的想法
- that inhibit our capacity to draw strength from art:
- 他们抑制了我们在艺术里获得力量的本领
- The first idea is that art should be for art's sake -- a ridiculous idea --
- 第一,艺术就为了艺术而存在 --说起来很荒谬 --
- an idea that art should live in a hermetic bubble and should not try to do anything with this troubled world.
- 艺术应该在一个封闭的世界里存在,不应该去打扰我们世俗的纠纷
- I couldn't disagree more.
- 我十分十分不赞同这个想法
- The other thing that we believe is that art shouldn't explain itself, that artists shouldn't say what they're up to,
- 另外,我们还相信艺术不应该被诠释,艺术家们不应该解释他们到底在干什么
- because if they said it, it might destroy the spell and we might find it too easy.
- 因为如果他们说了,艺术就没有任何魔力了,而且我们还觉得艺术没什么深度
- That's why a very common feeling when you're in a museum -- let's admit it -- is, "I don't know what this is about."
- 这就是为什么在艺术馆我们通常会感受到的--承认吧--我们会想 "我完全不知道这作品是什么东西"
- But if we're serious people, we don't admit to that.
- 但如果我们是严肃的人,我们是不会承认的
- But that feeling of puzzlement is structural to contemporary art.
- 但正是那样的感觉构造了当代艺术
- Now religions have a much saner attitude to art. They have no trouble telling us what art is about.
- 现在宗教对艺术有了很多理智的态度。他们可以很简单告诉我们什么是艺术
- Art is about two things in all the major faiths.
- 在主流的信仰中,艺术无非关于两种东西
- Firstly, it's trying to remind you of what there is to love.
- 第一,艺术告诉你这世界有爱
- And secondly, it's trying to remind you of what there is to fear and to hate.
- 第二,艺术提醒你这世界也有恐惧和憎恨
- And that's what art is.
- 而这就是艺术
- Art is a visceral encounter with the most important ideas of your faith.
- 艺术表达了你内心最重要的信仰
- So as you walk around a church, or a mosque or a cathedral,
- 所以当你走进教堂,或者走进清真寺的时候
- what you're trying to imbibe, what you're imbibing is, through your eyes, through your senses,
- 通过你的五官,你最想感受的是那些真理
- truths that have otherwise come to you through your mind.
- 那些掠过你思想中的真理
- Essentially it's propaganda. Rembrandt is a propagandist in the Christian view.
- 本质上那是宗教的宣传。在基督教看来,伦勃朗是个宣传者
- Now the word "propaganda" sets off alarm bells. We think of Hitler, we think of Stalin. Don't, necessarily.
- 现在 "宣传"一词让人们警觉,我们想到希特勒和斯大林,但其实没有这个必要
- Propaganda is a manner of being didactic in honor of something.
- 这只是一个宣扬某种东西的手段
- And if that thing is good, there's no problem with it at all.
- 如果宣扬的东西是有益处的,那这手段也没什么问题
无神论者应该如何对待宗教?阿兰.德波顿提出了一种"无神论的宗教"--名为无神论2.0,其中包括了宗教中的传统仪式, 人与人之间的互相依赖,以及人们对超凡脱俗的需要。
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201608/461041.shtml