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- Navigating through my country helping journalists, filmmakers, news crews, is my working life.
- 在我的国家为记者、电影制作者、新同伴做导航,是我的工作
- I believe my success comes from building a relationship
- 我相信我的成功是因为建立了关系
- not only with journalists and the news crews, but also with the communities in the Gaza Strip.
- 不仅仅是和记者、新同伴们,更是和加沙地带的社区群体。
- These communities who don't want their stories to be told,
- 这些社区群体不希望他们的故事被报道,
- I never looked to them as stories or numbers. But like me, they are human beings.
- 我从来没有把他们作为故事或者数字。他们和我一样,他们是人。
- I have built up many relationships over 10 years. And guess what?
- 在过去的十年,我已经建立起很多关系。你猜怎么样?
- This gives me the chance to get access to people, to stories that others can't.
- 这给我机会去加入人群,去诉述那些别人不能诉说的事。
- In some certain situations, I feel, as a woman, I have more power.
- 在一些真实的场景,我感受到,作为一个女人,我有更大的能量。
- Many male journalists in my society, they want to cover a story about drug addiction in my country.
- 在我的群体中,很多男性记者,他们想去报道发生在我的国家的一个毒品泛滥事件。
- That problem started when the Gaza tunnel was being built.
- 在建设加沙隧道时,这个问题已经开始了。
- With the siege on Gaza, tunnels brought people all the basic needs
- 在加沙的围城之中,隧道给人们带来所有基本的需求
- like food, building material, other stuff we needed.
- 比如,食物、建材等其他我们需要的物品。
- But not anymore, because the Egyptian side flooded them up with water and they are not working anymore.
- 但现在不是了,因为与埃及的边界被洪水淹没,隧道不再起作用
- Drugs were being smuggled, and many young people got addicted, too.
- 毒品被走私进来,很多年轻人对毒品上瘾
本期TED演讲者Ameera Harouda女士来自战火纷飞的加沙地带,她没有选择逃离那里,因为那依然有她挚爱的土地,人民和国家。每当听到一声炮响时,她想到是如何在第一时间到达事出地将最新真实的故事挖掘和报道。让我们共同聆听她的故事。
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201608/460122.shtml