These are the proteins that are responsible for the control of cell proliferation, cell adhesion, cell differentiation the cell death,
various aspects of the immune responseand interestingly, always the production of the 24-hydroxylase
That's the enzyme that breaks down the vitamin D after that, so it's kind of a very quick on off switch
as soon as vitamin D exit the genome. It induces an enzyme that destroys it, so it's actually once basically, then it breaks down
And then you need more vitamin D molecules if you want to do it again
The striking thing and this number keeps going up from year to year is that over a thousand genes have vitamin D response elements
and some people have estimated as much as 10% of the human genome is dependent upon having adequate vitamin D
有人甚至估计 10%左右的人类基因组都依赖于适当的维生素D

So it's a terribly important ubiquitous tissue wide issue
Now I'm going to step this through in a little bit more detail
Once again we're focusing on 1,25D which one to get into the cell can do what it needs to do
but we also have recognized that 25D is present in the serum and 25D is not simply a reservoir
不过我们还意识到 25D也在血清中存在,25D不仅仅是一个"储藏库"
It's not simply an index of how much vitamin D we have in the body, although we use it for that and quite appropriately
25D can be itself 1 alpha hydroxylated within the tissues themselves not just dependant upon what happens inthe kidney