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- So I know TED is about a lot of things that are big,
- 我知道TED总是谈一些大事
- but I want to talk to you about something very small.
- 但是我想讲一件微不足道的小事
- So small, it's a single word.
- 小到只有一个词
- The word is "misfit."
- “不适者。”
- It's one of my favorite words, because it's so literal.
- 这是我最喜欢的词,因为简单明了
- I mean, it's a person who sort of missed fitting in.
- 这样的人是一个无法融入,
- Or a person who fits in badly.
- 或者融入得很差的人,
- Or this: "a person who is poorly adapted to new situations and environments."
- 或者“一个很难适应新位置和新环境的人。”
- I'm a card-carrying misfit.
- 我是真正的不适者。
- And I'm here for the other misfits in the room,
- 我代表其他屋子里的不适者站在这里,
- because I'm never the only one.
- 因为我不是一个人。
- I'm going to tell you a misfit story.
- 我将讲述一个不适者的故事。
- Somewhere in my early 30s,
- 在我三十岁出头的时候,
- the dream of becoming a writer came right to my doorstep.
- 成为作家的梦想在向我招手。
- Actually, it came to my mailbox in the form of a letter
- 准确地说我在我的邮箱里发现了一封信,
- that said I'd won a giant literary prize for a short story I had written.
- 信上说我写的小说为我赢得了一份大奖。
- The short story was about my life as a competitive swimmer and about my crappy home life,
- 小说讲述了一名历经糟糕的家庭生活的优秀的游泳运动员的故事,
- and a little bit about how grief and loss can make you insane.
- 还有一些关于悲痛和困惑如何让人抓狂的情节。
- The prize was a trip to New York City to meet big-time editors and agents and other authors.
- 赢得的奖励是去纽约和知名的编辑、代理,和其他作家见面。
- So kind of it was the wannabe writer's dream, right?
- 这是每个作家的梦想,对吧?
- You know what I did the day the letter came to my house?
- 各位知道我看到信后做了什么吗?
- I put the letter on my kitchen table,
- 我把信放在厨房桌子上,
- I poured myself a giant glass of vodka with ice and lime,
- 给自己倒了一大杯加了冰和柠檬的伏特加,
- and I sat there in my underwear for an entire day, just staring at the letter.
- 就这样穿着内衣看着那封信坐了一整天。
这个世界上有很多“格格不入者”,他们不合群,怯懦,胆小和自卑,命运对他们也常常不公。本期的TED演讲者Lidia Yuknavitch女士就是这样一个人,她的故事和经历足以让她为“格格不入者”们代言。让我们听听她的故事,心声和感悟。
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201608/457517.shtml