Why wasn't I consulted?! I'm Secretary of State.
你为何不咨询我的意见 我可是国务卿
You You-you informally send a reactionary dottard to
What will happen, do you imagine,when these peace commissioners arrive?
等特使团抵达后 你想象过会如何吗
We'll hear 'em out.Oh, splendid.
我们会听听他们的要求 太妙了
And next the Democrats will invite 'em up to hearings on the Hill,
然后民主党员 会请他们
and the newspapers, well, the newspapers,the newspapers will ask
和新闻媒体到国会山参加听证会 媒体还会询问
why risk enraging the Confederacy over the issue of slavery when they're here to make peace?
既然他们是来求和的 为何在奴隶制的问题上 冒激怒南部邦联的险
We'll lose every Democrat we've got,
more than likely conservative Republicans will join 'em, and all our work,
我们还会失去已有民主党员的支持 而我们所有的努力
all our preparing the ground for the vote,laid waste, for naught.
一切赢得投票的基础 至此烟消云散
The Blairs have promised support for the amendment if we listen to these people.
如果我们听取这些人的话 布莱尔家族答应会支持修正案
Oh, the Blairs promise, do they?
You think they'll keep their promise once we have heard these delegates and refused them? Which we will have to do,
那些代表的要求 一定是保留奴隶制 而你还指望
since their proposal most certainly will be predicated on keeping their slaves!
我们拒绝这些代表的要求后 他们还信守承诺吗
What hope for any Democratic votes, William,
if word gets out that I've refused a chance to end the war?
那民主党的选票会怎么样 威廉
You think word won't get out? In Washington?
你认为世上有不透风的墙吗 华盛顿会有吗
It's either the amendment or this Confederate peace,you cannot have both.
要么通过这个修正案 要么停战 鱼和熊掌不可兼得
If you can look into the seeds of time,
and say which grain will grow and which will not,
speak then to me Oh, disaster. This is a disaster.
那么对我说 灾难 这真是场灾难
Time is a great thickener of things, William.Yes, I suppose it is.
时间会说明一切的 威廉 是啊 我也觉得
Actually I have no idea what you mean by that.
Get me thirteen votes.Them fellers from Richmond ain't here yet.
给我弄13张赞成票 里士满的家伙还没到呢