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《面试技巧》公开课 >
- It was so amazing to me how well prepared I was just by talking to her those 30 minutes
- 我惊奇地发现,自己通过仅半个钟头的交谈就已经准备得非常充分了
- And it would give me the edge in the interview
- 这样我在面试中就占有优势
- And it was possibly the best interview I have ever had
- 那是我求职生涯中最出色的一次面试
- And the reason was that I talked to someone who works there
- 原因是我与那里的员工交谈过
- So if you can talk to someone who works there
- 所以如果可以的话,去找那里的员工谈话
- It's even though they don't work there currently that is like your best bet
- 即便他们现在已经不在这家公司工作了 你也可以赌一把
- And so what if they told the company that you talked to them
- 那如果他们告诉公司你找他们谈话了怎么办
- Hey, Dan just contacted me and researched the company
- 嘿,丹不仅联系我,还调查了公司
- Oh what was that showing
- 这说明了什么呢
- Dan was interested in this job enough to go hunt someone down
- 说明丹对这个工作非常感兴趣他才会去找人
- So some people often say well it's kind of iffy
- 人们经常说,这种行为好像不太好
- Well if you don't feel comfortable talking to someone who currently works there
- 如果你觉得与现任员工谈话让你不舒服
- find the past employee
- 那你可以去找前任员工
- And if he gets back to the company only works you in favor
- 如果他再回到这家公司工作肯定会对你很友好
- Petty I think you will comment
- 佩蒂,你想评价一下吗
- No no, I was just thinking where else to search for recourse
- 不,不 我在想还能去哪找资料
- Exact, that's a good point
- 很好
- So if the way you go about your job search and to find them
- 如果你要展开求职调查想找到他们
- Do you research those then what type of employer you are gonna be
- 这些人你是否已经调查过你将会成为怎样的员工
- The interview is really about proving to them that you can do the job and add a value to them
- 所以面试只是向他们证明你能胜任这份工作并且贡献自己的价值
- So those are just couple ways
- 除此之外还有很多的方式
- I am sure you can probably think of a lot more creative ways to find people and talk to them
- 我相信大家能想出更有创造力的办法找到这些人并与他们交谈
- But do as much research as you can on the company beforehand
- 大家事先应该尽可能地进行详细调查
- Hello And that could be your biggest weapon
- 你好这将成为你们最厉害的武器
- Any questions about that?
- 对此有疑问吗
- So secondly I have talked about how to research companies
- 第二,我刚才说的是调查公司
- What are employers looking for
- 现在的重点是,雇主寻求的是什么
- Well every employer has different things but really boils down to three components
- 对此每个雇主都有不同的答案但是归根到底就是三个部分
- One can you help them make money save money
- 第一,你能不能帮他们赚钱,省钱
- or make their life easier in some way
- 或者让他们过得更舒适
- And I know somebody is thinking well
- 我知道有人会想
- What about church nonprofit?
- 那非盈利性教堂呢?
- Well they are still organizations and they have to run a business
- 它们作为组织还是需要运营
- I don't care what they are doing
- 我不管他们做什么
- if it's nonprofit they have to make sure that they are within the budget
- 如果是非盈利性组织他们就要确保支出在预算范围内
- And they are gonna hire you to help them out
- 他们雇用你的目的是为了帮他们解决问题
- No one hires you for charity
- 没人是出于好心而雇用你
- Even in a volunteer position they are gonna hire you because you have something to contribute
- 即便是招收志愿者他们会雇用你是因为你能帮上忙
- or because you are interested in the topic
- 或者是因为你对此感兴趣
- And so no one is gonna hire you to develop your skills
- 因此人家雇用你不是为了锻炼你的技能
- or help you become a better worker or advance your career
- 或帮助你成为更优秀的员工或发展你的事业
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201607/454449.shtml
重点单词 |
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单词creative 联想记忆: create增长,产生+ive →有创造性的
单词contribute 联想记忆: con全部,tribute给予-全部给予-捐献
单词comment 联想记忆: com共同,ment闷他:大家一起用激烈的评论把他闷的投不过气来。
单词charity 联想记忆: char茶,ity状态-请喝茶的状态-施舍-仁慈
单词recourse 联想记忆: re反,cour=cur跑,se:跑回来求助re反,course(n 过程;路线):沿着回家的路线回来求助
单词employee 联想记忆: employ雇用+ee表名词,“被动或主动的人” →雇员