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  • I like our chances now.Well, consider the obstacles we would face.
  • 我觉得现在我们还是有机会的 想一想可能面临的困难
  • The aforementioned two-thirds majority needed to pass an amendment.
  • 我之前说过 通过一项修正案需要三分之二人的同意
  • We have a Republican majority,but barely more than fifty percent.Fifty-six.
  • 我们争取到了共和党的大多数 不过也就一半多一点 百分之五十六
  • We need Democratic support.There's none to be had.
  • 我们需要民主党的支持 而目前一个都争取不到
  • Since the House last voted on the amendment,there's been an election.
  • 上次针对修正案的投票以后 众议院有过一次选举
  • Sixty-four Democrats lost their House seats in November,that's sixty-four Democrats looking for work come March.I know.
  • 64位民主党员于十一月离开了众议院 也就是说三月会新来64名民主党人 我知道
  • They don't need to worry about re-election,they can vote however it suits'em.
  • 他们不用担心改选 因此他们可以根据自身利益投票
  • But we can't buy the vote for the amendment,it's too important.
  • 但我们不能收买投票人 修正案太重要了
  • I said nothing of buying anything.We need twenty votes was all I said.
  • 我可没提过收买 我只是说还需要20票
  • Start of my second term,plenty of positions to fill.
  • 我的下个任期伊始之时 可是有不少职位虚位以待呢
  • Mr. President, may I present Mr. And Mrs. Jolly who've come from Missouri to From Jeff City, President.
  • 总统先生 这是乔利夫妇 他们来自密苏里州 杰佛逊市 总统
  • Mr. Jolly. Ma'am.This by the fire is Secretary of State Seward.Jeff City.
  • 乔利先生 夫人 壁炉边这位是苏厄德国务卿 杰佛逊市
  • I heard tell once of a Jefferson City lawyer,who had a parrot that'd wake him each morning,
  • 我听说过一个杰佛逊市的律师 养了一只每天早上叫他起床的鹦鹉
  • crying out,Today is the day the world shall end as scripture has foretold.
  • 鹦鹉每天都喊 今天就是圣经预言的末日
  • And one day, the lawyer shot him for the sake of peace and quiet, I presume,
  • 有一天 律师开枪打死了它 也许是为了耳根清净吧
  • thus fulfilling, for the bird at least, its prophecy.
  • 不过至少对于鹦鹉来说 这预言应验了


I like our chances now.Well, consider the obstacles we would face.

我觉得现在我们还是有机会的 想一想可能面临的困难

The aforementioned two-thirds majority needed to pass an amendment.

我之前说过 通过一项修正案需要三分之二人的同意

We have a Republican majority,but barely more than fifty percent.Fifty-six.

我们争取到了共和党的大多数 不过也就一半多一点 百分之五十六

We need Democratic support.There's none to be had.

我们需要民主党的支持 而目前一个都争取不到

Since the House last voted on the amendment,there's been an election.

上次针对修正案的投票以后 众议院有过一次选举

Sixty-four Democrats lost their House seats in November,that's sixty-four Democrats looking for work come March.I know.

64位民主党员于十一月离开了众议院 也就是说三月会新来64名民主党人 我知道

They don't need to worry about re-election,they can vote however it suits'em.

他们不用担心改选 因此他们可以根据自身利益投票

But we can't buy the vote for the amendment,it's too important.

但我们不能收买投票人 修正案太重要了

I said nothing of buying anything.We need twenty votes was all I said.

我可没提过收买 我只是说还需要20票

Start of my second term,plenty of positions to fill.

我的下个任期伊始之时 可是有不少职位虚位以待呢

Mr. President, may I present Mr. And Mrs. Jolly who've come from Missouri to From Jeff City, President.

总统先生 这是乔利夫妇 他们来自密苏里州 杰佛逊市 总统

Mr. Jolly. Ma'am.This by the fire is Secretary of State Seward.Jeff City.

乔利先生 夫人 壁炉边这位是苏厄德国务卿 杰佛逊市

I heard tell once of a Jefferson City lawyer,who had a parrot that'd wake him each morning,

我听说过一个杰佛逊市的律师 养了一只每天早上叫他起床的鹦鹉

crying out,Today is the day the world shall end as scripture has foretold.

鹦鹉每天都喊 今天就是圣经预言的末日

And one day, the lawyer shot him for the sake of peace and quiet, I presume,

有一天 律师开枪打死了它 也许是为了耳根清净吧

thus fulfilling, for the bird at least, its prophecy.

不过至少对于鹦鹉来说 这预言应验了

重点单词   查看全部解释    
resentful [ri'zentfəl]


adj. 不满(对 ... 产生反感)

election [i'lekʃən]


n. 选举

democratic [.demə'krætik]


adj. 民主的,大众的,平等的

prophecy ['prɔfisi]


n. 预言,先兆,预言能力 =prophesy

presume [pri'zju:m]


vt. 姑且认定,假定,推测,认为是理所当然

majority [mə'dʒɔriti]


n. 多数,大多数,多数党,多数派

meddle ['medl]


vi. 干预,干涉,插手

amendment [ə'mendmənt]


n. 改善(正), 修正案,某物质能改善土壤有助生长

judgment ['dʒʌdʒmənt]


n. 裁判,宣告,该判决书



adj. 被允许的 v. 允许(permit的过去分词)


关键字: 名人 林肯 传记




