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编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I love you too You know I have to start with by tweeting this
  • 我也爱你们 首先请让我就此发一条推文
  • so just give me one second I'm a professional so this will only take a second
  • 一秒钟就够了 我非常专业 所以这只需要一秒钟
  • All right I want to start up by thanking President Coleman
  • 好了 首先我想感谢科尔曼校长
  • all the graduates, friends, and family faculty, of course
  • 所有毕业生 朋友 家人 当然还有教职员工
  • and finally the Board of Regents who sit behind me quietly judging us all I'd like to also take a moment to thank my mother and father who are here today
  • 最后还要感谢静静坐在我身后监视一切的董事会 我还要抽一点时间 感谢今天到场的我的父母
  • and I'd like all of you to remember at the end of the day to take a moment to thank your parents or whoever it was that helped you get where you are today
  • 我也希望你们所有人在毕业典礼结束后 感谢一下父母 或其他为你今天的成就提供帮助的人
  • They have sacrificed greatly for you and we'll be out of here by 3:30 I promise
  • 他们为你牺牲了很多 我保证 今天3点半就会结束
  • When I woke up this morning and started writing my speech I was thinking about
  • 我今天早上起床 开始写我的演讲稿时 我就在想
  • my first month on campus in September when I was a freshman and the football team went into that season ranked number one in the nation, preseason
  • 我刚读大学的第一个月 大一那年的九月 我们的橄榄球队在全国季前赛排名第一
  • and there was all this -- I remember that September when I got here there was all this excitement on campus
  • 那个九月我现在还记忆犹新 校园中有各种激动人心的事情


I love you too You know I have to start with by tweeting this

我也爱你们 首先请让我就此发一条推文

so just give me one second I'm a professional so this will only take a second

一秒钟就够了 我非常专业 所以这只需要一秒钟

All right I want to start up by thanking President Coleman

好了 首先我想感谢科尔曼校长

all the graduates, friends, and family faculty, of course

所有毕业生 朋友 家人 当然还有教职员工

and finally the Board of Regents who sit behind me quietly judging us all I'd like to also take a moment to thank my mother and father who are here today

最后还要感谢静静坐在我身后监视一切的董事会 我还要抽一点时间 感谢今天到场的我的父母

and I'd like all of you to remember at the end of the day to take a moment to thank your parents or whoever it was that helped you get where you are today

我也希望你们所有人在毕业典礼结束后 感谢一下父母 或其他为你今天的成就提供帮助的人

They have sacrificed greatly for you and we'll be out of here by 3:30 I promise

他们为你牺牲了很多 我保证 今天3点半就会结束

When I woke up this morning and started writing my speech I was thinking about

我今天早上起床 开始写我的演讲稿时 我就在想

my first month on campus in September when I was a freshman and the football team went into that season ranked number one in the nation, preseason

我刚读大学的第一个月 大一那年的九月 我们的橄榄球队在全国季前赛排名第一

and there was all this -- I remember that September when I got here there was all this excitement on campus

那个九月我现在还记忆犹新 校园中有各种激动人心的事情




