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《面试技巧》公开课 >
- Traditional interviewing
- 传统面试
- You are in my office now
- 你来到我办公室
- you've done all these great things
- 你做的一切都挺棒
- we used to ask questions
- 有时候我们问人家
- like where do you see yourself in 10 years?
- 你觉得自己10年后会是什么样子?
- What are your strengths, what are you weaknesses?
- 你有什么长处,有哪些缺点?
- There is a little bit fudge factor that can get through into that
- 这样的事可以掺点水分
- Because I can tell you sure in 10 years, I am gonna sitting on a beach, right?
- 我可以跟你说10年后,我就坐在海边的沙滩上
- Get a cabana boy, nice yacht
- 让那些小伙子们伺候我,还有漂亮的游艇
- So this type of interviewing technique really isn't used very often anymore
- 所以现在这种面试方式不太常用了
- It's kind of our warm up now in trying to get to know you
- 一般是作为了解应聘者的热身问题
- Instead, you have a lot of my colleagues
- 我的很多同事
- actually using what we call the behavioral model interviewing
- 现在都使用行为模型面试法
- Have you heard this term before behavioral interviewing?
- 你们听说过这个术语吗 行为面试?
- Yes. Ok, do we know what it stands for
- 好的,那你们了解它代表什么意思吗?
- what the premise is behind it?
- 它有什么前提条件呢?
- I know it's on the board. Ok?
- 大家别看黑板
- Behavioral interviewing is based on that concept, that if I can get you to talk about
- 行为面试是基于以下理念,那就是如果我知道了
- some recent behaviors under certain circumstances
- 你最近在某些情况下的表现
- you are likely to going to repeat that behavior
- 那么再发生这种情况
- if you are placed in similar circumstances in the future
- 你还会有相同的行为表现
- OK So for those of you who have been in sales
- 所以那些曾经从事过销售的人来说
- if you were in sales, and you like sales
- 如果你喜欢销售
- and you are able to articulate that well
- 如果你能向面试官清楚地传达这一点
- you will probably ring true, right, to that interviewer
- 那很可能你就找到了正确的方法
- But if you are in sales yet you didn't like it
- 但是如果你身在销售行业,而你不喜欢
- you talk about it
- 你谈到销售的时候
- you talk about every customer was grumpy
- 你会说,那些顾客啊,脾气都可差呢
- every customer just was horrible
- 他们真可怕
- You are probably not gonna do well in my sales role
- 那么你要是在我们这儿干销售,估计你是干不好
- So that's the kind of premise behind it
- 我们就是基于这种假设
- We want to see or hear, excuse me
- 我们想看到或者听到
- specific examples, specific circumstances and situations
- 一些具体的例子,具体的情形
- And we wanna focus on what have you done
- 我们的侧重点是你做了什么
- what did you accomplished
- 你取得了哪些成绩
- Rather than what do you hope to do
- 而不是说你希望做什么
- what do you think you are going to be able to do down the road
- 你觉得自己能做什么
- There are certain buzz phrases that come through when you are in this model
- 在这种面试模型里有些关键词
- So if you hearing things like can you tell me about a time...
- 当你听到你能告诉我哪次......
- can you describe a situation when...
- 能告诉我们有一种情形......
- have you ever been...
- 你是否曾经......
- these are all your flags, tell me
- 告诉我,等等,这些都是一些迹象
- you are in the middle of a behavioral interviewing model
- 表明这是个行为面试模型
- there is a certain way that you want to be able to answer these questions
- 要回答这些问题,有一定的技巧
- So if there is something you want to walk away from this evening with
- 要是今晚啊,你没学到别的
- please take this
- 你一定得记住以下几点
- the STAR system is the most efficient way to answer interview questions
- 那就是这个STAR体系,它是回答行为面试问题最为有效的方式
- when you are in the behavior model
- 如果你面对的是行为模型面试
- S, the situation
- S表示你身处的情形
- T, the task at hand
- T表示你手上的任务
- A, the action that you took
- A表示你采取的行动
- Your colleagues are out there today
- 你的同事也在那儿
- following to the trap
- 和你共同面对这个困境
- and saying we did this in the group
- 你也许会说,我们这么做了
- we ask the person to do that
- 我们告诉某人那么做
- we were part of bla bla bla
- 我们都......等等,诸如此类
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201606/451648.shtml
重点单词 |
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单词factor 联想记忆: fact做,制作+or→促使人做的东西→要素;动力
单词efficient 联想记忆: ef出+fic做,制作+ent→能做出事来→有效率的
单词describe 联想记忆: de着重+scribe写→着重写→描写,叙述
单词articulate 联想记忆: 1)articul文章,ate吃的过去式-吃透文章-所以发音清晰2)articu文章,late后期。文章的后期制作。学过托福作文的同学一定深有体会,检查的时候应注重两方面,一、思想、内容表达清晰。二、句与句之间,段与段之间的接合是否连贯。3)articulate particular(特别的)清楚!
单词premise 联想记忆: pre预先+mise送,放出→预先送出→前提