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- I like to bring this up because tip, tip for you
- 我想讲这一点,因为我想给大家点建议
- Be nice to the receptionist
- 那就是对前台接待要客气
- I had a receptionist down in southern California
- 在南加州,我们那儿曾经有个前台接待
- She is great, African American woman, just adorable
- 她人很棒,是个非洲裔美籍妇女,人很可爱
- Always packably dressed, puts together very professional
- 她从来都是穿戴整齐,人非常专业
- You know, folks who come in
- 应聘者来的时候
- she had to hand over some paperwork to our candidates
- 她就递给人家一些表格让人家填写
- And after the candidate left, I will go over and be like
- 应聘者走了以后,我去她那儿
- so what do you think?
- 问她你觉得这个人怎么样?
- Sometimes she'd say, um, they are alright
- 有时候她会说,还不错吧
- Yeah. They are pretty good, why not?
- 是啊,挺不错的
- Oh boy, when she had an opinion-so what do you think?
- 但是要是她对哪个人有意见,你猜会怎么样
- Oh, girl can walk up here with attitude, ok?
- 那个女孩子来到这儿就用那种态度
- It was like, good morning, I have some paperwork for you
- 我说早上好,你得填写表格
- Took the paper, sat down
- 她拿了表格一屁股坐到旁边
- didn't even say hi to me
- 连个招呼都不打
- Ok, like came up in here, like she had the job
- 来了就......跟她已经得到了这个工作似的
- I don't think she has the job just yet
- 我觉得她没得到这个工作
- Ok, the whole office could hear her
- 整个办公室都能听见她说话
- Right? Everyone could hear her
- 谁都能听见她说话
- Everybody knew when she didn't like a candidate
- 要是她不喜欢哪个应聘者,大伙都能知道
- I'm in the service business
- 我在服务行业就职
- we rent cars to people
- 我们给客户提供租车服务
- who've been broken down, been in accidents
- 要是他们的车坏了或出了车祸
- If you can't be nice to the least of these
- 要是你连那么点礼貌都不懂
- how am I gonna know
- 我怎么能相信
- you are gonna give good service to my customers?
- 你会对我们的客户提供良好服务呢?
- So there are a lot of ways you can impact that environment that exchanges, you walk into this interview
- 因此有好多种方法,影响或改变这个面试
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201606/450767.shtml