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  • So if there's something wrong, if there'sever anything wrong, you can tell me.
  • 如果有事,不管什么事,你都要告诉我
  • I'm the guy that wants to help.This is our thing.Now, is there anything that you need to tell me?No.
  • 我会帮你的,这不是你一个人的事 那么,还有什么要告诉我的吗? 没有
  • What are we doing about this?I went to a 3L at Student Legal Services and he told me to write them back.
  • 那我们怎么办? 我咨询了学生律师服务处他们叫我写封回信
  • And what did you say? When we met in January,I expressed my doubts about the site.
  • 你怎么写的? 一月份开会时,我就提出过疑问
  • Where it stood with graphics,how much programing was left that I had not anticipated.
  • 网站界面以图片为主,导致编程量剧增 这是我没有料到的
  • The lack of hardware we had to deal with site use,the lack of promotion that would go onto successfully launch the website.
  • 硬件不足也是一个问题 网站上线后也缺乏好的增长点
  • This was the first time you raised any of those concerns, right?I'd raised concerns before.Bullshit. Not to us.
  • 这是你第一次提出疑问吗?我早就提出过了 胡说 你没和我们说过
  • Gentlemen, I'm talking about at the meetingin January to which this letter is referring.yeah
  • 先生们,我说的是这封信上提到的一月份的会议 是的
  • Let me rephrase this.You sent my client 16 e-mails.In the first 15 you didn't raise any concerns.
  • 我来概括一下 你给我的委托人发过16封邮件前15封中你从来没有表示过任何不满意
  • Is that a question? In the 16th e-mail you raised concerns about the site's functionality.
  • 这算是问题吗? 在第16封中你提出了网站功能性不足的问题
  • Were you leading them on for six weeks? No. Then why didn't you raise any of these concerns before?
  • 你是不是故意拖延了6周的时间? 不是 那么之前你为何对这些问题只字不提?
  • It's raining. I'm sorry? It just started raining.Mr. Zuckerberg,do I have your full attention? No.
  • 下雨了? 你说什么?开始下雨了 扎克伯格先生,你有集中注意力吗? 没有
  • Do you think I deserve it? What? Do you think I deserve your full attention?
  • 我有资格吗?什么? 你觉得我有资格让你集中注意力吗?
  • I had to swear an oath before we began this deposition and I don't wanna perjure myself,so I have a legal obligation to say no.
  • 听证开始前我宣誓过说真话 我不想做假证,所以我只能说没有
  • Okay. No.You don't think I deserve your attention?
  • 好吧,没有你觉得我不配拥有你全部的注意力是吧?
  • I think if your clients wanna sit on my shoulders and call themselves tall,they have a right to give it a try,
  • 我认为如果你的委托人愿意骑到我头上大耍威风 他们可以尽管一试
  • but there's no requirement that I enjoy sitting here listening to people lie.
  • 但也没人要求我兴高采烈的坐在这里听你们撒谎


So if there's something wrong, if there'sever anything wrong, you can tell me.


I'm the guy that wants to help.This is our thing.Now, is there anything that you need to tell me?No.

我会帮你的,这不是你一个人的事 那么,还有什么要告诉我的吗? 没有

What are we doing about this?I went to a 3L at Student Legal Services and he told me to write them back.

那我们怎么办? 我咨询了学生律师服务处他们叫我写封回信

And what did you say? When we met in January,I expressed my doubts about the site.

你怎么写的? 一月份开会时,我就提出过疑问

Where it stood with graphics,how much programing was left that I had not anticipated.

网站界面以图片为主,导致编程量剧增 这是我没有料到的

The lack of hardware we had to deal with site use,the lack of promotion that would go onto successfully launch the website.

硬件不足也是一个问题 网站上线后也缺乏好的增长点

This was the first time you raised any of those concerns, right?I'd raised concerns before.Bullshit. Not to us.

这是你第一次提出疑问吗?我早就提出过了 胡说 你没和我们说过

Gentlemen, I'm talking about at the meetingin January to which this letter is referring.yeah

先生们,我说的是这封信上提到的一月份的会议 是的

Let me rephrase this.You sent my client 16 e-mails.In the first 15 you didn't raise any concerns.

我来概括一下 你给我的委托人发过16封邮件前15封中你从来没有表示过任何不满意

Is that a question? In the 16th e-mail you raised concerns about the site's functionality.

这算是问题吗? 在第16封中你提出了网站功能性不足的问题

Were you leading them on for six weeks? No. Then why didn't you raise any of these concerns before?

你是不是故意拖延了6周的时间? 不是 那么之前你为何对这些问题只字不提?

It's raining. I'm sorry? It just started raining.Mr. Zuckerberg,do I have your full attention? No.

下雨了? 你说什么?开始下雨了 扎克伯格先生,你有集中注意力吗? 没有

Do you think I deserve it? What? Do you think I deserve your full attention?

我有资格吗?什么? 你觉得我有资格让你集中注意力吗?

I had to swear an oath before we began this deposition and I don't wanna perjure myself,so I have a legal obligation to say no.

听证开始前我宣誓过说真话 我不想做假证,所以我只能说没有

Okay. No.You don't think I deserve your attention?


I think if your clients wanna sit on my shoulders and call themselves tall,they have a right to give it a try,

我认为如果你的委托人愿意骑到我头上大耍威风 他们可以尽管一试

but there's no requirement that I enjoy sitting here listening to people lie.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
deserve [di'zə:v]


vi. 应该得到
vt. 应受,值得

anticipated [æn'tisipeit]


adj. 预期的;期望的 v. 预料(anticipat

blame [bleim]


n. 过失,责备
vt. 把 ... 归咎于,

disapproval [.disə'pru:vəl]


n. 不赞成

deserved [di'zə:vd]


adj. 应得的;理所当然的 v. 值得;应得;应受报答

obligation [.ɔbli'geiʃən]


n. 义务,责任

deposition [.depə'ziʃən]


n. 沉积物,沉积作用,免职,[律]宣誓作证,证言

promotion [prə'məuʃən]


n. 晋升,促进,提升

legal ['li:gəl]


adj. 法律的,合法的,法定的

sever ['sevə]


v. 切断,脱离,分开


关键字: 名人 扎克伯格 传记




