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《美国商业大亨》纪录片 >
- With his chairman shot,and his workers rebelling,Andrew Carnegie's back is against the wall.
- 主席被枪击 以及工人的反抗 让安德鲁·卡内基一筹莫展
- His company-- and his reputation--are under threat.
- 他的公司 以及他的声誉都受到了威胁
- And the empire he spent a lifetime building is on the verge of collapse.
- 他花毕生心血建立起的帝国现在变得摇摇欲坠
- Hoping to salvage his legacy,Carnegie cuts short his trip abroad,and returns to Pittsburgh.
- 为了拯救自己的事业卡内基终止了在海外的度假回到匹兹堡
- Henry Frick survives the attempt on his life.
- 对亨利·弗里克的刺杀行动并没有成功
- Only three days after being shot and stabbed,he's back in his office at Carnegie Steel.
- 遭到枪击和刀刺之后仅仅三天他就回到了卡内基钢铁公司的办公室
- Frick's brush with death only strengthens his resolve.
- 与死神擦身而过反而让弗里克的决心更加坚定
- But for his boss, Andrew Carnegie,it's a reminder that his chairman is a liability.
- 但在老板安德鲁·卡内基看来这位主席应当承担责任
- There came a time when Frick thought to himself,"I'm running this business.
- 弗里克肯定想过"一直进行经营的是我"
- I'm the one in Pittsburgh.
- 一直待在匹兹堡的是我
- I'm the one working the twelve-hour days.
- 一天工作24小时的是我
- I'm the one taking the bullet in the head.
- 脑袋上吃了一枪的也是我
- I deserve to be number one.
- 我才应该是一号人物
- Carnegie's relationship with Frick deteriorates,and he realizes he needs to make a change.
- 卡内基同弗里克的关系开始恶化 他意识到需要有所变化
- Carnegie isn't happy.
- 卡内基很不高兴
- He whispers to newspaper reporters in Pittsburgh that if he had have been around, it would've been different.
- 他私下里同匹兹堡的报社记者说 如果他在 事情肯定不会搞成这样
- That there wouldn't have been this bloodshed.
- 肯定不会有流血冲突的发生
- That he had more respect for the workers.
- 他说他对工人更加尊敬
- And he undercuts Frick.
- 他还削弱了弗里克的权力
- But Frick refuses to accept any responsibility.
- 但是弗里克拒绝承担任何责任
- Outraged that Carnegie has hung him out to dry,he even goes behind his back and attempts to orchestrate a hostile takeover.
- 他对于卡内基的责难非常愤慨 他甚至背地里试图策划一场恶意接管
- Carnegie Steel is eroding from the inside out.
- 卡内基钢铁公司由里到外都在受到侵蚀
- But the biggest challenge to Carnegie's empire isn't coming from within.
- 不过卡内基帝国最大的挑战并不来自于内部
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201605/442308.shtml