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化学秘密(MP3+中英字幕) 第14期:报告(1)

来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The report
  • 报告
  • John 's report took longer than he had thought.
  • 约翰的报告花的时间比他想像的要长。
  • It was nearly six weeks later when he went to discuss the re-suits with David Wilson.
  • 将近六个星期以后他才去找大卫·威尔逊讨论实验的结果。
  • Mr Wilson wasn't a scientist.
  • 威尔逊先生不是一个科学家。
  • He was a businessman.
  • 他是一个商人。
  • He knew how to run a business, how to make money.
  • 他懂得怎样管理生意,怎样赚钱。
  • 'Thanks for coming, John.'David Wilson came out from behind his desk and shook hands with John.
  • “谢谢你的到来,约翰。”大卫·威尔逊从他的桌子后面走出来与约翰握手。
  • They sat in two big, comfortable armchairs by the window.
  • 他们坐在靠窗户的两张非常舒适的大沙发里。
  • David Wilson's office was large, with a thick carpet and beautiful pictures on the walls.
  • 大卫·威尔逊的办公室很大,铺着厚厚的地毯,墙上有许多漂亮的画。
  • From the window, John could see the river, and the woods and fields on the other side.
  • 大卫·威尔逊的办公室很大,铺着厚厚的地毯,墙上有许多漂亮的画。
  • He felt comfortable, happy, safe.
  • 他感到舒适、愉快、安全。
  • 'I've read your report, 'Wilson began.
  • “我已经读了你的报告,”威尔逊开口道。
  • Then he stopped, and lit a cigarette.'Not very good, is it?'
  • 然后他止住,点燃一支雪茄。“不太好,是吧?”
  • 'What?'John stared at him in surprise.
  • “什么?”约翰吃惊地盯着他。
  • Wilson smiled, and moved his hand through the clouds of smoke.
  • 威尔逊笑着,在烟雾中挥动着他的手。
  • No, no, don't worry—I don't mean the report is bad, of course not.You've worked very hard, and done your job well.
  • 不,不,别担心——我不是说报告不好,当然不是,
  • What I mean is, I don't like the ideas at the end of the report.
  • 我的意思是我不喜欢报告结尾的那些意见。
  • What's wrong with them?
  • “它们有什么不妥?”
  • 'They're too expensive.'the two men stared at each other for a moment, and John felt cold and sick in his stomach.
  • “它们太花钱了。”两个人相互凝视了一会儿,约翰感到胃部又凉又难受。
  • Wilson smiled, but it wasn't the kind of smile that John liked.
  • 威尔逊笑了笑,但那不是约翰喜欢的那种笑。


The report

John 's report took longer than he had thoughtIt was nearly six weeks later when he went to discuss the resuits with David Wilson
Mr Wilson wasn't a scientistHe was a businessmanHe knew how to run a businesshow to make money
'Thanks for comingJohn'david Wilson came out from behind his desk and shook hands with JohnThey sat in two bigcomfortable armchairs by the window
David Wilson's office was largewith a thick carpet and beautiful pictures on the wallsFrom the windowJohn could see the riverand the woods and fields on the other sideHe felt comfortablehappysafe
'I've read your report'Wilson beganThen he stoppedand lit a cigarette'Not very goodis it'
'What'John stared at him in surprise
Wilson smiledand moved his hand through the clouds of smoke'Nonodon't worryI don't mean the report is badof course notYou've worked very hardand done your job wellWhat I mean isI don't like the ideas at the end of the report'
'What's wrong with them'
'They're too expensive'the two men stared at each other for a momentand John felt cold and sick in his stomachWilson smiledbut it wasn't the kind of smile that John liked




