n. 不愿,勉强,厌恶
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- Hundreds are dead and hundreds more are injured after a magnitude-7.8 earthquake hit Ecuador's coast Saturday night.
- 周六晚上,7.8级地震袭击厄瓜多尔海岸,造成数百人死亡,另有数百人受伤。
- The country's officials placed six provinces under a state of emergency after the quake.
- 地震发生后,厄瓜多尔宣布六省进入紧急状态。
- This is the strongest earthquake Ecuador has experienced in decades. Officials say at least $300 million will be allocated to recovery efforts.
- 这是厄瓜多尔几十年来最强烈的地震。官员称至少将分配3亿美元用于恢复工作。
- The country has experienced aftershocks since the earthquake, but power has been restored in several places, and a tsunami warning was issued after the quake but has since been lifted.
- 自地震以来经历了多次余震,但在几处地方已经恢复了电力,地震过后还发出了海啸警报,但此后又被解除了。
- The U.S. Geological Survey says this earthquake had a shallow depth of 11.9 miles, which is typical of most larger earthquakes in South America.
- 美国地质调查局表示,此次地震位于11.9英里深的浅层,是美国南部典型的大地震。
- Ecuador's president was at the Vatican for a conference during the earthquake but will return home Sunday night to help officials manage from the ground.
- 地震期间厄瓜多尔总统正在梵蒂冈举行会议,周日晚上将回国帮助官员处理地面工作。

重点单词 | 查看全部解释 | |||
reluctance | [ri'lʌktəns] | |||
cater | ['keitə] | 联想记忆 | ||
recovery | [ri'kʌvəri] | |||
democratic | [.demə'krætik] | 联想记忆 | ||
absolutely | ['æbsəlu:tli] | |||
promptly | [prɔmptli] | |||
prime | [praim] | 联想记忆 | ||
survey | [sə:'vei] | |||
typical | ['tipikəl] | |||
earthquake | ['ə:θkweik] |

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