I once said that I was unhappy with the explanation given in terms of negative energy particles being created.
我曾经说过 对粒子负能量子的产生的解释 让我很不满意
But I feel this is part of the controversy of science.
不过 我觉得这是科学思辩的一部分
You must have the give and take, and I'm delighted to be a part of that.
你必须有所取舍 我很开心自己参与了这场思辩
That's what makes it fun.If you all sat down and said, "Oh, lovely"
这是个很有趣的过程 当人们的脑子里萦绕着闹人的疑惑时
when you do have niggling questions in your mind that's not doing a service to science.
如果所有人都试图忽略他们 那么这实际上对科学毫无意义的
But I was not antagonistic to it in any way except for that one time when I questioned.
不过我对这并不抵触 除非脑子里不安生的人是我
I finally convinced myself that black holes radiate
最终我说服自己 黑洞确实有辐射
when I found a mechanism through which this could happen.
According to quantum mechanics space is filled with virtual particles and antiparticles
根据量子力学 空间充满虚粒子和反粒子
that are constantly materializing in pairs separating, coming together again and annihilating each other.
它们成对地以实物形式存在 分离然后靠近 共同湮灭
In the presence of a black hole one member of a pair of virtual particles
在黑洞附近 上述一对虚粒子中的一个
may fall into the hole leaving the other member without a partner with which to annihilate.
可能落进黑洞 这样剩下在外面的一个就失去了伙伴 没法湮灭
The forsaken particle appears to be radiation emitted by the black hole.And so black holes are not eternal.
于是就成为辐射 被黑洞释放出来 所以黑洞并不能永远存在
They evaporate away at an increasing rate until they vanish in a gigantic explosion.
它们以一个不断增加的速率蒸发 直到在一次巨大的爆炸中灰飞烟灭
Quantum mechanics has allowed particles and radiation to escape from the ultimate prison a black hole.
量子力学允许粒子和辐射 从黑洞这种终极监狱中 逃逸出去