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- The lady's dog barked too much.
- 这位女士的狗一直狂叫。
- It barked in the morning.
- 它早上叫。
- It barked in the afternoon.
- 下午叫。
- It barked at night.
- 晚上还叫。
- Every time Kevin walked past the front door, the dog barked.
- 凯文每次经过前门,狗都会叫。
- Every time Kevin walked past the back door, the dog barked.
- 凯文每次经过后门,狗也会叫。
- Every time anybody walked past, the dog barked.
- 不管任何人通过,狗都会叫。
- He told the landlord.
- 他把这件事告诉了房东。
- "That lady's dog barks too much," he said.
- 他说:“女士的狗老是狂叫。”
- The landlord said he would talk to the lady.
- 房东说他会跟这位女士说。
- But he never did.
- 但他从来没有说。
- Kevin wanted to shut the dog up.
- 凯文想让这只狗住嘴。
- It was a little dog.
- 这是一只小狗。
- But it had a big mouth.
- 但它却有一张大嘴。
- The dog's mouth was bigger than the dog.
- 它的嘴比一般的狗都要大。
- What could Kevin do?
- 凯文应该怎么做?
- One day he yelled at the dog.
- 有一天,他向狗大叫。
- He yelled, "Shut up, you stupid dog!"
- 他叫嚷到:“住嘴,你这只笨狗!”
- The dog barked at Kevin.
- 狗冲凯文大叫。
- The lady got angry.
- 女士生气了。
- She yelled at Kevin.
- 她向凯文叫嚷到。
- "Sugar is not stupid. Don't call Sugar stupid," she said.
- 她说:“甜心不笨。不要说它笨。
- "He's a lot smarter than you are."
- 他比你聪明多了。”
The lady’s dog barked too much. It barked in the morning. It barked in the afternoon. It barked at night. Every time Kevin walked past the front door, the dog barked. Every time Kevin walked past the back door, the dog barked. Every time anybody walked past, the dog barked. He told the landlord. “That lady’s dog barks too much,” he said. The landlord said he would talk to the lady. But he never did. Kevin wanted to shut the dog up. It was a little dog. But it had a big mouth. The dog’s mouth was bigger than the dog. What could Kevin do? One day he yelled at the dog. He yelled, “Shut up, you stupid dog!” The dog barked at Kevin. The lady got angry. She yelled at Kevin. “Sugar is not stupid. Don’t call Sugar stupid,” she said. “He’s a lot smarter than you are.”

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201604/437263.shtml