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- A new study suggests we need to rethink diabetes treatment because of the rising cost of insulin.
- 一项新的研究表明,我们需要重新考虑糖尿病的治疗,因为胰岛素成本的增长。
- The increasing costs have been noted in recent years, with some blaming a lack of "healthy" competition.
- 近年来人们注意到了日益增长的成本,一些人指责缺乏“健康”的竞争。
- The interesting thing about the insulin market is there's really only three companies in the insulin market.
- 关于胰岛素市场有趣的事是,胰岛素市场上真正只有三家公司。
- So it's a very small number of companies. There's no generics, and the prices just seem to go up for these drugs in tandem.
- 所以公司的数量非常小。无非专利药物,而且这些药物价格似乎相继上涨。
- The study, published in JAMA, looked at insulin prices from 2002 to 2013.
- 该研究发表在美国医学会杂志,关注2002年到2013年胰岛素的价格。
- Since 2002, the cost of insulin increased by almost 200 percent — an increase made even more significant by findings that showed the amount of insulin being used per patient also increased.
- 自2002年,胰岛素的价格增加了近百分之200,调查结果显示每名患者使用的胰岛素量也有所增加。
- Medical Xpress suggests the increase in doses could be due to increases in obesity in that time period, and new national recommendations stressing lower sugar intake.
- 医学快讯建议,使用剂量的增加可能是由于这段时间内肥胖的增加,以及新的国家建议强调低糖摄入。
- Researchers predicted "the mean price of insulin is unlikely to decline as a result of generic competition because of the stringent regulations and substantial costs of bringing biosimilar insulins to market."
- 研究人员预测,“胰岛素的平均价格不太可能由于仿制药的竞争下降,因为严格的法规以及引进生物仿制胰岛素进入市场的大量成本。


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