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世界节假日博览(MP3+中英字幕) 第104期:世界无烟日

来源:可可英语 编辑:wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • World No Tobacco Day is observed around the world on May 31 every year.
  • 每年5月31日为世界无烟日。
  • It was started by the World Health Organization in 1987.
  • 由世卫组织在1987年率先发起。
  • It aims to highlight the dangers of smoking around the world.
  • 目的在于提高民众对吸烟危害的重视。
  • Another aim is to encourage people to stop smoking and thus reduce the negative health effects of smoking.
  • 鼓励大众戒烟,降低抽烟带来的健康危害。
  • Around 5.4 million people a year die from smoking-related health problems.
  • 每年约540万人死于烟引发疾病。
  • On World No Tobacco Day, the WHO presents special awards to organizations or people who have made great efforts to get people, especially children, to stop smoking.
  • 在无烟日当天,世卫组织会对组织或个人进行表彰,表扬他们劝阻大众,特别是儿童戒烟所做出的努力。
  • In 2008 the WHO called for a total ban on tobacco advertising.
  • 2008年,世卫组织呼吁全面禁止烟草广告。
  • It said advertising was one of the biggest factors that made people take up smoking.
  • 称广告是吸烟的最主要诱因之一。
  • Tobacco is a dangerous drug.
  • 烟草是一种高风险毒品。
  • It's amazing how governments allow people to use tobacco.
  • 政府许可大众吸食烟草,这似乎匪夷所思。
  • One reason is governments get a lot of money from taxes on cigarettes.
  • 原因之一,政府通过高额烟草税获利。
  • Another reason is tobacco companies have a lot of influence on politicians.
  • 原因之二,烟草公司对政界人士产生极大影响。
  • Tobacco-related health problems put a huge amount of pressure on a country's healthcare system.
  • 烟草引发疾病为各国医疗系统造成极大压力。
  • Millions of working hours are lost every day because people take smoking breaks.
  • 每天,吸烟浪费了数百万工作小时。
  • The saddest thing is that children lose parents because of the damage tobacco did to their bodies.
  • 最悲哀的是,许多儿童因烟草引发疾病而失去父母。
  • Tobacco contains nicotine and other poisonous chemicals.
  • 烟草包含尼古丁等其它有毒化学品。
  • These cause many diseases, like heart problems and cancer.
  • 并能引发像心脏病,癌症等疾病。
  • Smoking causes bad breath, disease, loss of energy, and it's expensive.
  • 吸烟导致口臭、疾病、精力下降,且价格昂贵。
  • It's time for the world to quit smoking.
  • 全球戒烟行动势在必行。


World No Tobacco Day is observed around the world on May 31 every year. It was started by the World Health Organization in 1987. It aims to highlight the dangers of smoking around the world. Another aim is to encourage people to stop smoking and thus reduce the negative health effects of smoking. Around 5.4 million people a year die from smoking-related health problems. On World No Tobacco Day, the WHO presents special awards to organizations or people who have made great efforts to get people, especially children, to stop smoking. In 2008 the WHO called for a total ban on tobacco advertising. It said advertising was one of the biggest factors that made people take up smoking.



Tobacco is a dangerous drug. Its amazing how governments allow people to use tobacco. One reason is governments get a lot of money from taxes on cigarettes. Another reason is tobacco companies have a lot of influence on politicians. Tobacco-related health problems put a huge amount of pressure on a countrys healthcare system. Millions of working hours are lost every day because people take smoking breaks. The saddest thing is that children lose parents because of the damage tobacco did to their bodies. Tobacco contains nicotine and other poisonous chemicals. These cause many diseases, like heart problems and cancer. Smoking causes bad breath, disease, loss of energy, and its expensive. Its time for the world to quit smoking.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
crew [kru:]


n. 全体船员,全体乘务员,(一组)工作人员

nicotine ['nikəti:n]


n. 尼古丁

negative ['negətiv]


adj. 否定的,负的,消极的
n. 底片,负

encourage [in'kʌridʒ]


vt. 鼓励,促进,支持

specialized ['speʃəlaizd]


专门的 专科的

highlight ['hailait]


n. 加亮区,精彩部分,最重要的细节或事件,闪光点

pressure ['preʃə]


n. 压力,压强,压迫
v. 施压

poisonous ['pɔizənəs]


adj. 有毒的,恶意的



adj. 未引起争论的;不成问题的;不回避的





