Flamsteed's a hero,he changed the world irrevocably by creating these accurate measurements.
弗兰斯蒂德是个英雄 他创造了这些精确的 测量技术改变了世界
It's like these sailors went from having a rough, hand-drawn map to having a satellite photograph,
就像是这些水手 粗糙的手绘地图 一下子换成了卫星照片
a beautiful, you know, GPS-inspired image.
就是那种绘制讲究 GPS式的图片
New measurements that one day will help guide men to the moon.
So often we think about the progress of science,
and we think about that "Aha" Moment, that flash of insight.
常回忆那些让人恍然大悟 灵光闪现的时刻
We don't recognize so much of science is dogged hard work
and Flamsteed was the ultimate grinder.
Now, science opens a new age of exploration.
现在 科学为探索开启了新的篇章
Captain James Cook.Mankind's greatest explorer.
詹姆斯·库克船长 人类历史上最伟大的探索家
"I had ambition,""Not only to go farther than anyone had been before,
我雄心满满 不仅要比之前的任何人都走得远
"But as far as it was possible for man to go."
而且要挑战人类极限 越远越好
Cook's journey depended on the observations of Flamsteed,
and he never could have done what he did without him.
若没有那些观测 库克永远不会有之后的成就
A third of the world unmapped until now.
直到现在 世界上还有三分之一的未知领域
On three journeys,Cook will reach some of the most remote corners of the planet
在库克的三次旅程中 他会到达地球上最远的角落
And open up a new continent.
Cook's voyages really showed us what the world looked like.
No longer were there vast areas on the map where you might just say, "There be dragons."
地图上再也不会有让你发出 "那是巨龙"这般感叹的辽阔土地了