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- So in his kitchen -- he was standing there with his wife, Judy, and his bodyguard Sean
- 话说在厨房,他正和妻子Judy站在一起,还有他的保镖Sean
- and I said, "You know how I said in my email that you might have a special brain anomaly that makes you special?"
- 然后我会说,“你记得我在电邮里写的关于你有一颗让你出众的独特奇异的大脑吗?”
- He said, "Yeah, it's an amazing theory.
- 他说,“记得,这说法还真不赖
- It's like Star Trek. You're going where no man has gone before."
- 感觉就像《星际迷航》一样。现在还没人做到像你这样。”
- And I said, "Well, some psychologists might say that this makes you...
- 然后我又说,“其实,一些心理学家或许会说,这颗大脑让你变成...
- And he said, "What?"
- 他紧接着问,“啥?”
- And I said, "A psychopath."
- 我说,“一个疯子。”
- And I said, "I've got a list of psychopathic traits in my pocket.
- 我接着说,“我口袋里有张清单列举了些精神病患特征
- Can I go through them with you?"
- 我能和你将这些过一遍吗?”
- And he looked intrigued despite himself, and he said, "Okay, go on."
- 尽管他自己看起来很迷惑,但他还是说,“行,继续。”
- And I said, "Okay. Grandiose sense of self-worth."
- 我说,“那开始吧。自我价值的浮夸感。”
- Which, I have to say, would have been hard for him to deny
- 就这个,我得说,他还挺难去否认的
- because he was standing underneath a giant oil painting of himself.
- 因为他就站在一幅巨大的油画自画像下面
- He said, "Well, you've got to believe in you!"
- 他说,“好吧,你总要相信自己对吧!”
- And I said, "Manipulative."
- 我又接着,“控制欲强。”
- He said, "That's leadership."
- 他说,“这叫领导能力。”
- And I said, "Shallow affect: an inability to experience a range of emotions."
- 我接着,“淡化影响:无法承受一系列的情绪波动
- He said, "Who wants to be weighed down by some nonsense emotions?"
- 他说,“谁又想被无意义的情绪波动给压倒呢?”
- So he was going down the psychopathic checklist, basically turning it into "Who Moved My Cheese?"
- 接着他过了一遍精神病检核表,基本和《谁动了我的奶酪》里面一样
- But I did notice something happening to me the day I was with Al Dunlap.
- 但我确实觉察到和Al Dunlap在一起的那天发生的一些事
- Whenever he said anything to me that was kind of normal -- like he said no to juvenile delinquency.
- 无论他说什么,我听起来都觉得挺正常的,就像他反对少年违法犯罪一样
- He said he got accepted into West Point, and they don't let delinquents in West Point.
- 他说他被西点军校录取了,在西点军校是不允许有过失的
- He said no to many short-term marital relationships.
- 他反对很多短期的婚姻关系
- He's only ever been married twice.
- 他只结过两次婚
- Admittedly, his first wife cited in her divorce papers that he once threatened her with a knife
- 无可否认,他第一任妻子是在他拿刀威胁下才在离婚协议上签字的
- and said he always wondered what human flesh tasted like,
- 他妻子说他一直很好奇人肉尝起来是怎样的
- but people say stupid things to each other in bad marriages in the heat of an argument
- 但人们总会在失败的婚姻争吵中说些傻话
- and his second marriage has lasted 41 years.
- 而他的第二段婚姻持续了41年
- So whenever he said anything to me that just seemed kind of non-psychopathic,
- 所以无论他说什么,我听起来都不觉得他有精神病
- I thought to myself, well I'm not going to put that in my book.
- 我心想,好吧,我不打算把这些写进书里
- And then I realized that becoming a psychopath spotter had turned me a little bit psychopathic.
- 但之后我意识到成为一个精神病患观察员,倒是让我变得有点神神颠颠的
- Because I was desperate to shove him in a box marked psychopath.
- 因为我拼命想证明他是神经病患者
- I was desperate to define him by his maddest edges.
- 我拼命想用他最疯狂的举动来判定
- And I realized, oh my God. This is what I've been doing for 20 years.
- 突然我意识到,天啊,我干这都干了20年了
- It's what all journalists do.
- 记者就都是做这些啊
- We travel across the world with our notepads in our hands, and we wait for the gems.
- 我们带着笔记本走遍世界,等待着劲爆的料子
- And the gems are always the outermost aspects of our interviewee's personality.
- 而所谓的料子却总是那些和被采访人的人格相差得十万八千里的花边
- And we stitch them together like medieval monks.
- 我们像中世纪僧侣(文化智慧的象征)将他们联系起来
- And we leave the normal stuff on the floor.
- 却把那些正常的方面抛掷脑外
- And this is a country that over-diagnoses certain mental disorders hugely.
- 而这正是一个大量过度诊断精神疾病的国家
- Childhood bipolar -- children as young as four are being labeled bipolar
- 儿童双相障碍症——约4岁的儿童被诊断为双相障碍症
- because they have temper tantrums, which scores them high on their bipolar checklist.
- 因为他们脾气暴躁,这在双相障碍症的检核表上位居榜首
正常和发疯之间是否有明确的界限呢?在这个毛骨悚然的演讲里,Jon Ronson,《精神病测试》的作者,为我们揭开了正常和发疯之间的灰色地带。
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201603/430402.shtml
重点单词 |
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单词shove 联想记忆: 为了show自己的力量而shove;shovel(n 铁锹)是有l(柄)的用来shove的工具
单词mental 联想记忆: ment思考,神智+al→智力的;精神的
单词desperate 联想记忆: de去掉+sper希望+ate→去掉希望→绝望的
单词grandiose 联想记忆: grandi宏大+ose表形容词,“多…的”→浮夸的;雄伟的
单词define 联想记忆: de加强+fine限制→加强限制→限定;下定义
单词medieval 联想记忆: medi中间+eval年龄,时代→中间时代的→中世纪的
单词temper 联想记忆: temper时间→不同的时间不同的心情→脾气;心情;调和