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- It will always be in conflict
- 总会有矛盾斗争
- If you accept that, everything gets a lot better
- 如果你接受这一事实 一切都会好得多
- The other reason is
- 另一个原因是
- because you are establishing your identities and your beliefs
- 因为你在建立自己的身份和信念
- you need to argue yourself down, because somebody else will
- 你需要驳倒自己 否则其他人就会这样做
- Somebody's going to come at you
- 有人会找到你
- and whatever your belief, your idea, your ambition
- 不管你有什么信念 想法 抱负
- somebody's going to question it
- 总有人会提出质疑
- And unless you have first, you won't be able to answer back
- 除非你先自省 否则你无法对这些质疑作出回答
- you won't be able to hold your ground
- 否则你无法坚持立场
- You don't believe me, try taking a stand on just one leg
- 不相信我的话 你可以一只脚站着试试
- You need to see both sides
- 你需要同时看到两面
- Now, if you do, does this mean that you get to change the world?
- 如果这样做了 这就意味着你能改变世界吗
- Well, I'm getting to that, so just chill
- 我马上就会说到 放轻松
- All I can say to this point is
- 这方面 我只能说
- I think we can all agree that the world could use a little changing
- 我想我们都会赞同 世界需要改变一下
- I don't know if your parents have explained this to you about the world
- 我不知道你们父母有没有给你解释世界的这个方面
- but we broke it
- 但是 我们将它打破
- It's a hard time to go out in there
- 步入社会会遇到很多困难
- And it's a weird time in our country
- 而且我们国家现在处于一个奇怪的时期
- The thing about our country isoh, it's nice, I like it
- 我们国家现在 哦 这很好 我喜欢
- it's not long on contradiction or ambiguity
- 并不注重矛盾或模棱两可
- It's not long on these kinds of things
- 并不注重这样一些东西
- It likes things to be simple, it likes things to be pigeonholed
- 它希望事物都很简单 喜欢进行简单分类
- good or bad, black or white, blue or red
- 好或坏 黑或白 蓝或红
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201602/427068.shtml