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- I believe these contradictions and these tensions
- 我认为这些矛盾 这些张力
- are the greatest gift that we have
- 是我们所拥有的最伟大天赋
- and hopefully, I can explain that
- 希望我能解释明白
- But first let me say
- 首先我要说的是
- when I talk about contradiction
- 我说的矛盾
- I'm talking about something that is a constant in your life and in your identity
- 是始终出现在你生命和身份中的
- not just in your body but in your own mind
- 不仅是在你的身体里 还在你的心智里
- in ways that you may recognize or you may not
- 其存在方式 你们可能意识到 也可能没有意识到
- Let's just say, hypothetically
- 我们来考虑一种假设情景
- that two roads diverged in the woods
- 森林中分出两条路
- and you took the path less traveled
- 而你选择了人少的那条路
- Part of you is just going, "Look at that path! Over there, it's much better
- 你的一部分会说 "看那条路 那条 它要好得多"
- Everyone is traveling on it
- "大家都走那条路"
- It's paved, and there's like a Starbucks every 50 yards"
- "路铺得很好 而且每50码就有一家星巴克"
- In this one, there's nettles
- 这条路上有荆棘
- and Robert Frost's body
- 罗伯特·弗罗斯特的尸体
- somebody should have moved that I think
- 应该有人会把它挪开 我想
- it just feels weird
- 反正看起来很怪
- And not only is your mind telling you this
- 不仅仅是你的心智告诉你这个
- it is on that other path
- 它实际就在另外那条路上
- it is behaving as though it is on that path
- 它的表现就像它在那条路上一样
- It is doing the opposite of what you are doing
- 做着同你所做的相反的事情
- And for your entire life, you will be doing, on some level, the opposite
- 在你整个一生当中 某种程度上 你会做相反的事情
- not only of what you were doingbut of what you think you are
- 不仅是你所做的事情 还有你认为你是谁
- That is just going to go on
- 这会一直持续下去
- What you do with all your heart, you will do the opposite of
- 不管你尽力去做什么 你都会做相反的事情
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201602/426940.shtml