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Noam Chomsky is an American author, lecturer, linguist, philosopher, and political commentator. 诺姆·乔姆斯基是美国作家、演说家、语言学家、哲学家以及政治评论家。 He is a top professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). 他是麻省理工学院顶级语言学教授。 His ideas completely changed teachers' understanding of how we learn languages. 他的理论完全改变了教师对于语言习得的理解。 Chomsky is well known for his prolific research and publications. 他还是一名多产的研究型作家。 He is cited as a source more often than any other living person. 他的著作引用度超过了所有在世作家。 Chomsky was born in 1928 in Pennsylvania, USA. 1928年,乔姆斯基出生于美国宾夕法尼亚。 The young Noam got into writing and politics at a very early age. 并从很早就开始接触写作和政治。 When he was 10, he wrote an essay on the threat of fascism during the Spanish Civil War. 10岁那年正值西班牙内战,他写了一篇关于纳粹主义威胁的文章。 Needless to say, he was a gifted student and he followed current events very closely. 他天赋异禀,并紧随当今时事。 He graduated with an MA in philosophy and linguistics. 并获得语言学和哲学硕士学位。 Chomsky received his Ph.D. in linguistics in 1955. 1955年,乔姆斯基获得语言学博士学位。 His thesis helped shape today's understanding of what language is and how we all learn it so naturally. 他的理论形成了我们对语言的了解,以及自然学习法。 He joined the teaching staff of MIT in 1955 and has remained there to this day. 1955年,他开始在麻省理工任教,并一直到今天。 Chomsky has spent decades there researching and writing on language, psychology and politics and has influenced hundreds of researchers and academics. 乔姆斯基用了数十年时间著书论说,他在语言、政治以及心理方面的论述也影响了数百位学者。 Chomsky is a fierce critic of US foreign policy and continually questions the misuse of American power. 乔姆斯基也是美国外交政策的有力批判者,并一直对美国滥用权力表示质疑。 He has strongly opposed all wars from Vietnam to Iraq. 从越战到伊拉克战争,他反对所有战争。 He is largely shunned by the media in the United States for being unpatriotic and has received death threats. 因无爱国情深,他的曝光度不高,还曾收到死亡恐吓。 However, he is in high demand for his ideas and speeches around the world. 然而,他的理论和演说风靡全球。
Noam Chomsky is an American author , lecturer , linguist , philosopher , and political commentator . He is a top professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT ). His ideas completely changed teachers ’ understanding of how we learn languages . Chomsky is well known for his prolific research and publications . He is cited as a source more often than any other living person .
Chomsky was born in 1928 in Pennsylvania , USA . The young Noam got into writing and politics at a very early age . When he was 10, he wrote an essay on the threat of fascism during the Spanish Civil War . Needless to say , he was a gifted student and he followed current events very closely . He graduated with an MA in philosophy and linguistics .
Chomsky received his Ph .D . in linguistics in 1955. His thesis helped shape today ’s understanding of what language is and how we all learn it so naturally . He joined the teaching staff of MIT in 1955 and has remained there to this day . Chomsky has spent decades there researching and writing on language , psychology and politics and has influenced hundreds of researchers and academics .
Chomsky is a fierce critic of US foreign policy and continually questions the misuse of American power . He has strongly opposed all wars from Vietnam to Iraq . He is largely shunned by the media in the United States for being unpatriotic and has received death threats . However , he is in high demand for his ideas and speeches around the world .
来源:可可英语 http ://www .kekenet .com /Article /201601/422618.shtml