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- I leaned something that day
- 那天 我得到了一些教训
- and what I learned is if you are going to connect your business and your philanthropy
- 我认识到 如果你要将经营和慈善结合起来
- you better make sure that is integrated deep into your culture
- 你要确保慈善深深融入到企业文化中
- that it's not just something that you're going to tack on
- 慈善不能机械地加到经营上
- but you're going to build an integrated business, you're going to build an integrated life
- 你要将两者融为一体 形成有机的整体
- you're going to get these things to work deeply together
- 让两者能够深深地兼容
- and you can do it
- 这是可以做到的
- And when I started my company salesforce.com in 1999
- 1999年我创建了自己的公司 salesforce.com
- I decided to do three things
- 我打算做三件事
- One, a radically new technology model called cloud computing
- 一 建立一个全新的技术模式 叫云计算
- Two, a radically new business model
- 二 建立一个全新的经营模式
- which was subscription services for software
- 也就是针对软件的订阅服务
- And three, a radically new philanthropy model
- 三 建立一个全新的慈善模式
- At that day we started the company, we put 1% of our equity
- 创建公司的那天 我们将1%的股权
- 1% of our profit and 1% of all of our employees time charity
- 1%的利润和所有员工1%的时间
- into a 501(c)(3) public charity
- 用于一家501(c)(3)慈善机构
- We had no products
- 我们没有产品
- We had no equity. We had no people
- 我们没有股本 我们没有员工
- That was an easy decision
- 这个决定很好做
- But today salesforce.com is doing great
- 不过如今 salesforce.com做得很好
- with more than 13,000 employees
- 我们有超过1.3万名员工
- we'll do more than $5 billion in revenue this year, we're
- 今年的年收入将超过50亿美元
- heading into the Fortune 500, the top 500 companies in the world
- 我们即将跻身全世界财富500强公司的行列
- we are Fortune Magazine's most admired software company for 2014
- 我们是财富杂志2014年度最令人钦佩的软件公司
- we are Forbes' most innovative company in the world for three years in a row
- 我们连续三年被福布斯评为全世界最具创新性的公司
- and we are Fortune Magazine's best place to work number seven this year in the world
- 我们还在财富杂志今年的最佳雇主排行榜中名列世界第七
- And if you're looking for a job, graduates, ceo@salesforce.com
- 想找工作的毕业生 可以发邮件到ceo@salesforce.com
- That's my email address
- 这是我的电子邮箱
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201601/422596.shtml