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- And then I got a call from Jim
- 结果吉姆打电话给我
- and Jim said, Marc, I've got a problem. I've got a problem Marc
- 他说 马克 我碰到问题了
- I said what is it, Jim
- 我问 怎么回事 吉姆
- He said, we got the computers
- 他说 电脑到了
- I'm here, the guys are here
- 我在这里 工程师也到了
- the employees are not here
- 那些员工却没到
- I don't know how we're going to get these computers up
- 我没办法把电脑运到三楼上 安装就更别谈了
- three flights of stairs installed today
- 我没办法把电脑运到三楼上 安装就更别谈了
- And I was worried, I was upset, I was somewhat dejected
- 我很担心 我很不高兴 我甚至有些沮丧
- and I said, I better call General Powell and tell him this is not going to happen
- 我心想 我最好打个电话告诉鲍威尔将军 我搞砸了
- So I got on the phone and I called General Powell
- 我于是拿起电话 打给鲍威尔将军
- And I said, General
- 我说 将军
- we got the computers there, we got our engineers there but
- 我们把电脑运了过去 工程师也到了
- it's the last day of the quarter, and our employees just could not get there today
- 但最后 负责搬运的员工却没有到那里
- and we're going to have to reschedule, I'm so sorry
- 我们可能需要重新安排 很抱歉
- And I was really asking him for his forgiveness and
- 我想请他原谅 结果
- the phone hung up on me
- 电话被挂断了
- I said, hello, General
- 我说 喂 将军
- No, he was not there, it was over
- 但他已经挂了
- I really upset General Powell
- 我让鲍威尔将军不高兴了
- one of the great Americans
- 他可是美国最伟大的人物之一
- And I sat there at my desk and I was like maybe I got this all wrong
- 我呆坐在办公桌前 心想 或许我完全搞错了
- try to do all this kind of all through
- 尝试完全依赖于
- some technology, business, philanthropy and put it all together
- 将技术 经营 慈善揉捏在一起
- and here I am and I just upset General Powell
- 结果我却搞砸了 让鲍威尔将军不高兴了
- And then the phone rang again
- 然后 电话再次响起
- and I answered the phone and it was Jim
- 打过来的是吉姆
- I said, what's going on Jim. He said
- 我问 怎么了 吉姆
- a battalion of marines just arrived here at MacFarland Middle School
- 他说 一大队海军陆战队员来到了麦克法兰中学
- and the battalion of marines are installing the computers and we are good to go
- 他们是来帮助安装电脑的 我们能够搞定了
- and I said it is good to be a general
- 我心想 当将军真是太好了
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201601/422595.shtml
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单词battalion 联想记忆: 1)读:扶他林。主治:扭伤、拉伤、挫伤和各种关节肌肉疼痛,不仅是刘旋等奥运选手指定用药,也是营里最不可货缺的良药-扶你、扶我、扶他林。2)bat打,ta他,lion狮子。有一只打他的狮子,咱得报仇,一个人打不了狮子,最好是一群人,并且有武装-一个营的人估计够了。
单词upset 联想记忆: up上,set放置:上下倒置-颠覆
[fi'lænθrəpi, fə-]
单词philanthropy 联想记忆: phil爱+anthropy人→爱人,博爱,慈善